Jan 17, 2017 23:50
So I went to the interview.
I hope they don't pick me, or else I'll have to decline. Some background, I checked for employee reviews for this company. Came up with 3 negative reviews, one really detailed. Strike one but I kept in mind that they might be disgruntled employees. I mean my company has one pretty bad review and I have an idea who the former employee was and who the supervisor in the review was and it was a valid complaint. The wording made the company look bad but considering this particular design head - accurate. Strike two was my reluctance to leave my current job. The one perk I do enjoy is that design comes in between 9:30-10:00 in the morning. Getting back to a 9:00 start time would be murder. I also like my co workers and my work load is not too intense. Third strike was the interview itself. I met with the president of the company and his son, no one from design. What does the president of the company and his son know of what I'd be doing on a daily basis? I mean we went over my experience and skills, over what I would be expected to do. Superficially we covered the bases. I asked about a more technical issue and the answer I got had nothing to do with my question which is why someone from design should have been doing at least part of the interview. It just rubbed me wrong because other interviews I've been to have been with a designer etc, then a call back to meet a higher up. This was the other way around and how does your design room gel if they don't have a hand in hiring? I mean that would explain the fast employee turnover that was part of the reviews on this company. Also the whole conversation was professional but the son had serious sleazeball vibes. No time for that.
The final straw though happened after work. I ran into a friend/former co worker in the lobby of our building. We go back to that job from 9 years ago. I told her about the interview and she knew the company, the people from my interview and she confirmed that working there was not a thing to do unless I really needed a job.
As for the agency thing, that's a thing, particularly with the advent of LinkedIn. I even got calls where I worked 8 years ago. A company needs a position filled, they contact an agency, the agency headhunts among companies similar to the company that contacted them. That's why it's easier to get another job while you have a job than when you actually need one. I usually say I'm not interested but every so often, I'll send in my resume when requested because it's always a good thing to have your name on their lists just in case.