Hi, guys. Tis here, with a wee update on life, the universe and everything.
Well, maybe not the universe. LOL
Life: In case I didn't mention it before, I took a new job back in June. Head chef at a place in downtown DC. One of the old assistant managers from my last job is the general manager at this place, and he'd the one who called me to come work there.
The hours are long and I don't have anything like the sort of autonomy I had hoped for, but it's okay. At least it's different from the last place. LOL
I still work near 70 hours a week, though. *pouts*
Everything: My folks are still the same, for those who've read my rants and such here. Mom's insane and Dad's brain damaged--in the literal sense, not euphemistically. So nothing new.
One thing that IS new, though, is that I actually have a second story out with Torquere Press, and I'm crazy-excited about it.
Am I begging, pleading, hoping some of you will want to spend 4 bucks on it? Absolutely. Am I counting on it? Not really.
I figure most of the people who've read my Spander are kinda mad at me for letting Becoming Known sort of hang in the ether. I don't blame you. I'd be pissed at me, too. And I'd love to say that I'll be finishing it SOON, but I can't swear to it. I can only promise that it WILL be finished. Eventually.
See, I've discovered something about writing original characters. For me--and I don't say this is the same for everyone--but for ME, they're much more compelling than other people's creations (meaning Joss's, of course). I'M the one who creates the backstory. I'M the one who chooses when and how each piece of history is revealed. And there is no canon to buck, no chance that someone will come to me and say 'but in episode six of season five, Xander said...' or Spike said, or whatever.
Do I still love the Spander? Of course! I think I always will! But will I continue to write it regularly after I finish 'Becoming Known'? Probably not. NOT because there's anything wrong with it, and I'll definitely go on reading it, but there's a certain sort of freedom in writing original characters that I hadn't even known I wanted until I tried.
This isn'tto say that I won't do up the occasional fic for seasonal things and whatnot, but... well, you know what I mean.
That said... if I haven't completely alienated everyone on my friends list, here's the link to my new story. It's a novella, called 'Win & Lose'.
'TQ Press' I really hope you guys will decide to check it out, and if you do,please let me know what you think.
Thanks, and much love for all,