Original Fic #1

Aug 04, 2008 23:19

Hi, guys. *grins*

For those who might be interested, my short story 'Destiny Drops In' is available for sale now at Torquere Press.

It's short, obviously, and is only $1.29 per copy in e-book format.

Here is the link if anyone wants to buy it. TQ Press .

I am writing professionally under the name 'TC Blue' (since it's my name, LOL), and there will be other stories available on the TQ Press site eventually. I have a novella coming out in late October/early November, if all goes well.

Not sure about the release date for my novel, which was actually the first accepted, but as the longest it makes sense that it'll take more time to get it edited and proofed and such, right? *grins*

So anyway, that's the head's up, and for those waiting for more 'Becoming Known', I hope to have the next chapter ready to post within a month or so. It's been slow going, what with the new job and family shite and all.

Oh, yeah. I have a new job. Head chef since June 8th. But it's in the city, which means I've doubled my commuting time. And the place was an organizational cluster-fuck when I got there so it's been even MORE hours than my last job.

Still, at least now I know I'll sink or swim on my own merits, right?

*sends love and hugs and all sorts of smooshie stuff for all... but especially for Dee and Alex because they've been so good with understanding about all the time I'm NOT around*

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