May 11, 2010 14:24
I got a voicemail from the allergist elaborating a bit on the allergy test results: the nuts, in particular, are walnuts and pecans. He didn't mention the spinach, which is funny, as I'm pretty sure it's what's been the problem for years. He said tomatoes are probably fine to eat if I've never reacted, but I should avoid those nuts.
I really, really like using pecans in baking. Walnuts--whatever. But while I might find a nut to use in my favorite streusel recipe, I can't imagine substituting for pecan pie.
But...I've never even reacted to nuts. What the hell? I don't want to make it worse by sensitizing myself with continued exposure, and nut allergies are really scary things, but...I've never had a reaction to them. Why?
Oh, and peppers may become a problem. Motherf...
Still: could be worse. Could be gluten.