friends only, part 2

May 01, 2016 16:45

Friends only. Comment to be added, perhaps. (Please mention how you got here, and why you'd like to be added.)

I am more likely to add you if we have some interests in common (see my profile or my interests post). It also helps if we already know of each other through a mutual friend or community, but it's not necessary. I am less likely to add you if you rarely update/comment, are under 15, have a brand new journal, or constantly use chatspeak.

I don't mind if your journal is primarily a fandom one, but note that my own involvement in fandom tends to be sporadic. I enjoy reading reviews of books and movies, but I don't watch much TV. If you are looking for my graphics, I post those at fading_melody, not here.

I admire creativity, compassion, elegance, and humor. Drama and bigotry are not welcome here. I reserve the right to defriend anyone with whom, for one reason or another, I have not connected.

Image credits: FO banner image, background pattern.

Profile quote is from Atonement, by Ian McEwan. Journal header quote is from "Us", by Regina Spektor.

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