Nov 29, 2007 21:07
I'm moving. Both physically, as in we're getting out of this crappy house and into an apartment (which is good) and mentally, as in I'm done with one phase of my life and I'm ready to move into another.
I'm embracing the fact that I'm going to be a professional 'something.' Yet I'm still not going to have to cut my hair. ^.^ But in that vein, I'm done with all the angst and the drama of this livejournal. It isn't the point. I might still post some private or friends only things in here, but what I put in here I usually always wanted to get out into a broader audience.
That said, I've just started a blog. I'm going to continue it for as long as I can, and once I get more stuff in it I'm going to try to get it noticed. I'm okay with being a 'blogger.' I'm clever and creative and intelligent. I write shit worth reading. So that's the goal.
The blog is writing-themed, so I'm not going to force anybody to move. It's about my life, sure, but it's about my writing mostly and my thoughts about it and problems concerning it and things that have happened to me because of it. It'll eventually be about editing and podcasting and other creative endeavours as I take them up, but right now I'm just getting my feet wet.
So if you want to follow to the new blog, I'm going to be posting at least every other day on the weekdays from work. Right now, because of moving and router problems, my internet access at home is terrible to non-existent. When I get moved into the new place, I'll get it set back up and rolling again.
If you don't want to follow me, that's okay. I understand that I'm going in a different place, and sometimes paths diverge. We had some times, and it was nice. But outside of the fiction that I'll pour my soul into and the blogging that I'll pour my thoughts into, I'm full up. I kicked my baggage to the curb or threw it out onto the written page. I'm done hauling it around.
Those who are curious, feel free to take the next step with me:
Big things are in the works, I tell you! My dreams and my reality are slowly becoming one and the same, inch by inch.