May 13, 2009 12:55
I started my 4.5 hour/ 2 times a week Spanish class last night.
I keep telling myself it'll all be okay because it's only for six weeks.. but good heavens, this is going to be insane, haha. The good news is that, apparently, I understand Spanish quite well. I did not really know this about myself- but it came in kind of handy last night when Profesor De La Pava refused to speak English for the first 10, 15 minutes of class. It would be nice if my natural abilities transcended the boundaries of speaking and writing it as well.. but I suppose those are the things I'll get to bust my ass learning for the next month or so of my life.
On a completely unrelated note- I think I've decided that I want to go on my European excursion next summer. For about four and a half minutes the other day I considered going this summer, after I wrap up my Espanol insanity- but then I came to my senses and realized that would probably be a disaster- not to mention a financial fiasco. I've been saying that I'll just make my trip to Italy as my graduation present to myself.. but uh... 2011 is a little ways away- not to mention the trip wouldn't even happen till 2012.. and then the world is supposed to end anyway (joke).. and I'll be damned if I don't get around to going while I'm young, single, and unrestricted. Next year seems reasonable though. This gives me time to save some money, and plan accordingly. It also gives me time to find someone to travel with. Telling people now that I want them to come on a trip with me in oh, lets say 3 years doesn't really work out.. So my hope is that around this time next year I'll be set for at least a two-week trip to Rome, Florence, Switzerland, Amsterdam.. god knows where else. This plan also satisfies my deep-rooted need to have something to work towards. Hannah without a big goal is a dazed and confused Hannah. If I don't have something specific and tangible to motivate me and dictate my spending and saving habits I just don't seem to function properly.
In addition to heading over seas I would also like to go skiiing, visit New York City, and experience California... all within the next 12 months or so. It could prove to be a kind of crazy year if I manage to do even half the stuff I want to do... But I don't think there could possibly be a better time for me to get out there and make it happen.