May 25, 2005 01:51
today was my moms birthday so we all went out to dinner at red lobster.. at the table my grandfather started talking about ruby, my grandmother.. its crazy how much this man can remember. hes 82 years old.. and i swear that he has seen and done it all. he lived through the depression, went to war, flew planes, and did about 850000 other amazing things that i just cant seem to remember right now.. hes getting old, and hes wearing down.. but his ability to recall specific details is incredible.
apparently he went to school with my grandmother... they started dating by accident and were together for eight years before She proposed to Him on january 7th, 1942. they were married for 52 years...
his mother in law once asked him if hed go back and do it all again if he had the choice and he said yes, because "god is a just god and he wouldnt put me through hell twice"
hah. that cracked me up. hes a brave man for saying that to his mother in law. hes such a joker.
its strange because i cant count the times i heard my grandparents squabble and cuss at each other. they really liked to bark at one another... but shes been dead for 7 years now and he is no less devoted today than he was the day she went home..
they were married on october 29, 1945.
my parents were married on october 29, 1976.
i told my mom that i wanted to get married on that same day.. because all my life i have been exposed to strong, lasting, devoted relationships. my grandfather is completely in love with my grandmother, even after her death.... and ive seen my parents go to hell and back in their relationship- and yet theyve stayed together all these years.. and they have made a wonderful home.. and theyre happier now than i think theyve ever been.
i want that.
i want that amount of devotion, and love, and commitment.
i want to remember all the dates and tell all the stories.
and i want my kids and my grandkids to feel for me like i do for my parents, and for my granparents. because i respect and admire the hell out of them.
... this really wasnt supposed to be this kind of entry.
it wasnt going to be long or in depth or.... mushy.
but i guess this has been on my mind all night..
and i guess i couldnt help but let it all out.