Nov 25, 2005 20:01
Hello all!
I haven't written in like forever. (obviously)
Well anyway... nothing too interesting has been going on. I have been working WAY too much. Today I worked at Shaw's because I was off from Astro-Med, and I worked with Carrie..... needless to say that I was by myself all morning. The only time she even took a customer was when I went on my break. And she had the nerve to call me back from my break (after I had only been gone 5 minutes) because she had a line and needed the help. I wanted to yell in her face "WHERE WERE YOU WHEN I HAD A LINE OUT THE DOOR THIS MORNING! SITTING ON YOUR ASS IN THE BACK ROOM!" She makes me so mad sometimes.... so yeah, I got nothing done. Then I left 45 minutes late because I had to balance before I left. Tiffany and Dan came in at 3, so at least I had them to take customers while I balanced. In the end though, my drawer came out pretty good. Only $3 over. That is awesome considering I had like no time to think all morning long!
But anyway...
I applied for 3 more jobs in the city... 2 part-time jobs in the library, and 1 part-time in the personnel dept. If I get one of these jobs I am going to quit Astro-Med and work part-time at Shaw's and for the city until I can get full-time in the city. We will see how that goes though....
Things between Bill and I are very good. He cleaned the house for me today while I was at work! :o) What a superb guy! I was shocked though... I already planned that I was going to clean up the house tomorrow, because that is about the only time I had to clean. But instead, I am going to do some laundry, then go X-mas shopping! Wonderful!
Speaking of X-mas Shopping... I am basically done. The only people I have left to buy for are Bill and my godparents.
OK well I am going to go. Bill and I are probably going to go out tonight.
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Byes!