Wink up decemeber 2006 has now been compltely translated!! YAY!!
nino talks bout iwojima, tekkon kinkreet , asia tour and alot more... except he starts to sound a little like o-chan in his interview..very cute...a must read!
aiba chan-(sorry to keep you waiting tess) talks about TSD and asia tour etc...
how much do we love arashi people!! they are so cute !!
still to come though i will be translating myojo december issue ..after that though i dont have n e thing to translate so request people!!
take care y'all!
Its Ninomiyaiba time!!!
Kazunari Ninomiya
Wink Up December 2006
The asia tour was really fun! But I think there was a bigger part of me that was really moved. When we were doing the MC, we were saying “why do you know so much Japanese? Did you learn it at school? Did you teach yourself?” People form the audience said that they taught themselves. Then people who had come from japan in the audience applauded. That was really emotionally moving.
There wasn’t any happenings as such. Although it was our first concert, it was a really relazed atmosphere and there wasn’t anything to really panic about. The reaction to our songs and our image of how the audience would react to our songs kinda matched. Our feelings towards the concert didn’t really differ from how we feel when we do lives in Japan. Cos I mean what we are meant to do is the same. The only thing that is different is the language we greeted in.
The Asia tour is continuing until November, and hten after that should be the release of the movie. Firstly there is ‘letters from Iwojima’. Please go and see this! That’s all I can say. Just watch how you want to watch it and feel how you want to feel about it. I think that is best no? I think it would be too egotistical for me to this part and that part.During filming? It was really hard. I was always e-mailing. After filming I was e-mailing while I was doing the washing. Washing machines over there take such a long time! I don’t know why. And then I had to stay awake until the washing was finished. It was a coin laundry. So I just have memories of e-mailing while I was waiting for the washing to finish (laughs). Including that, dring filming I had many first experiences.
The After recording of ‘tokkon kinkreet’ went smoothly as well. I just did what the director told me to do instead of me thinking about it and causing action. The director told me really specifically how to say things and change the way I was saying things like ‘say that phrase like this…’. He never said anything generally or briefly. The movie is just under 2 hours long, but we don’t film that all at once. I think if the director ovesees most of the filming I think that is ok. But when I first got the job I was so happy cos I was a fan of the original so I was like “YATTA~~!♪(yay!)” But when I read the script I was like “WOW this is gonna be hard work!”. I think i had a really strong personal impression of the movie.
Arashi will go into its 8th year in novemeber. Although normally 8 years might be a bit of a strange time but for me I think that it’s a really good cut off point. I think that Arashi moves in 4 year slots. In our 3rd year, NEWS came out and I thought “oo…its already been 4 years” and when the next world cup volley ball happens I will probably think “ Its been 8years!”. I’m probably the only one thinking like that. But I always think “ aaa…the time has come”. (don’t you think this rambling by nino is something similar to what ohno chan would say…maybe leader is rubbing off on nino!!) But whether it is the 8th year or the 10th year or the 15th year or the 20th year, I don’t have any special aims. When I was at school, every year I had aims and motive and stuff but sometimes I found myself struggling to reach the aim that I had set myself. So I kinda got sick of that. So im continuing to do things with the same feelings. Cos we have been working hard for 7 years. So I reckong we will do the same for our 8th year too!.
Masaki Aiba
Wink Up December 2006
I went to Africa again for Shimura doubutsuen!. When I look back at the year, I went to a lot of ro-ke didn’t I?(roke is going to film outside of the studio). More thani can actually remember. Whenever I go abroad I try and eat traditional foods. Seeing as I am there. What did I eat last time I was in Africa? Most of the time it was hamburgers. African foods smell of soap. I heard that they don’t wash off the soap. I wonder why. Maybe it is because they feel like it’s a waste and have washed it (laughs)(I cant help but think aiba chan is being a little naïve here……).There are many things over there that I find strange. Lots of little things. Because it is ro-ke there isn’t any time to do tourist things, and I don’t have time to get in touch with the traditions of the place unfortunately. I try and read books on the historics of the places I got to . saying that I don’t think im realy that knowledgeable about the histories of different places. But I can say I have seen a lot form the places I have been. Place I wana go? There isn’t anywhere now I wanna go. Its probably because of the asia tour and I have been around a lot.
When I went to hong Kong for a shimura doubutsuen ro-ke, they let me star in kui-tan. And Higashiyama-san (form shounenntai) said that I should run the Honolulu marathon. So I politely declined. When I went to Hawaii at the beginning of the year he asked me once. And then I answered ‘if you ask me I will run!’. I’ve decided I will think about things before answering. So please do not ask me anymore about that subject (laughs).
I go to asia a lot for ro-ke. Since then I always thought ‘if only I could speak the language’. If I spoke the language I bet I could go to a lot more places too. I really felt that as well during the asia tour. During the MC in the concert we had a translator on stage which meant there was a gap between each persons comment. And then the flow of the conversation sort of broke down. Although we did our greeting in their language, it was a huge task just remember that. I don’t even know if they understood me….. Probably not very well. I think there were bits people understood and bits that they didn’t. But I really wanted to say as many words as possible in their language. If I ever get the chance I really want to learn.
The actual live was so much fun. Although we went just for a promotional visit earlier in the year, when it is a concert it’s a whole different story. I didn’t know what to expect and we didn’t know which songs would get the crowds going. Although we were a little anxious, I was really glad we did it. Just like the promotional visit, everyone was really energetic. And there were a lot of Japanese people in the audience who helped lead the rest of the audience with our calls and their response. I was really moved. Also in korea there were banners that said ‘egao no housekibako’ - (a box of smiles - although houseki means jewels so its sort of a jewelery box). That was a catchphrase that I made up for myself on G no arashi (ahhh, aiba sugoroku!!! How could we forget….also…..SAKURADON!!! lol!i) I was a little embarrassed. But when I first saw it I was so happy. Especially cos I knew that people had been checking out the programme.
This year I was able to do so many things. Being in our 7th year we were ableto hold our first asia concert. Although im not really bothered about how many years we are arashi. Cos it doesn’t really feel like 8 years. It was so quick….huh??..Was is quick?? I wonder….I don’t know…(laughs)….But , whatever we do form now on, I hope we can keep improving. Improve as a person and also as arashi!!