FF7: "Secrets and Regrets*

May 07, 2011 10:58

Title: Secrets and Regrets
Fandom: FF7
Pairing: implied ot3
Rating: PG
A/N: chofi 's Giftmas pres. :)
Summary: It was Reno's dirty little secret.

It was Reno’s dirty little secret.

Not that he didn’t have a lot of secrets, anyway. It was one of those things about being a Turk. Dirty secrets were part of the job description, and like everything else in his job, he aced it. He was proud of most of his secrets, locked away tighter than any of those freaky experiments in an underground lab.

Those had a reputation of running away and killing people, after all. Reno was good at dealing with them, too.

But this was one of the few secrets Reno regretted. This was something he could never bring up to Rude under the cover of smoke and alcohol. He thought Tseng suspected something, but if anyone could understand, it would be him.

He found it, of all places, in Hojo’s things. Reno tried not to think about why Hojo had it. He should have turned it in immediately to its owner (only one left now), but Turks were bad about just handing things over. They liked to hoard things: never knew when it would come in handy, after all.

And this was the only time he saw Cloud Strife grin.

The leader of Avalanche looked all of fifteen in the video, laughing and shouting as the now deceased Zack Fair whirled him around. In the video, Zack looked like the giant puppy he had been in life rather than the martyr he was in death.

Reno always thought it funny how something like death transformed people into saints. He told Cloud as much one drunken evening and woke up in a mass of agony the next day. It occurred to him later that maybe Cloud wasn’t the best person for that.

Sephiroth always stood in the background watching, protectively rather than obsessively, fond indulgence quirking his lips rather than madness. He seemed content to watch no matter how much Zack coaxed him.

Cloud never coaxed or prodded. He just smiled, strangely shy. It was hard to remember sometimes when the General had been the General and had been the idol of young Soldier-wannabes everywhere.

And that Cloud had been one of those young Soldier-wannabes.

Reno watched that short video in the dark of his apartment, drunk on alcohol and regret. Every now and then Zack looked at the camera, grinning proudly, as if to say, “You see these two? They’re mine.” And the meaning behind the video’s existence became clear.

Reno never apologized to Cloud. He never told him that Zack wasn’t supposed to die. He never told him anything, including the video’s existence. He just pulled it out every now and then and watched it, alone with their oblivious smiles and his own regret.

Turks were good at keeping secrets, after all.

This entry was originally posted at http://tir-synni.dreamwidth.org/4835.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

ff7, giftmas, fic, ot3

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