Bible!Fic: Asmodeus/Raphael "Love and War"

May 05, 2011 05:53

Title: Love and War
Fandom: Bible (Book of Enoch, specifically)
Pairing: Asmodeus/Raphael
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Blasphemy (obviously)
A/N: Giftmas fic for jukeboxhound . :D
Summary: Asmodeus and Raphael after Tobias' happily ever after, with Asmodeus offering an ever after of his own.

“I desired her for my bride, you know.”

The demon’s voice was low, husky, a silken invitation for naïve mortals to fall for Lust and Sin.

The demon was a fool if he mistook Raphael for a mere mortal.

Raphael turned away from Tobias’ abode, dropping his mortal disguise as he did so. The form of the old man shredded with the force of his Grace, revealing his true form. Six wings spread, brilliant and terrible, behind him.

“I thought you were still bound in Egypt,” Raphael said quietly, staring hard at the fallen angel. He did not honor the abomination by raising his voice. He did not let his anger show through his Grace, only his disdain at his former comrade’s foolishness. Did he truly believe he could succeed?

If Asmodeus was touched by the Seraph’s righteousness, it didn’t show. Asmodeus didn’t even display his true form…not that Raphael blamed him. His former glory burned away beneath his own sin and their Lord’s wrath, undoubtedly leaving something dark and ugly behind.

Asmodeus stared calmly at Raphael with dark, human eyes, heavy-lidded and lazy. His face by human standards could be considered handsome, smooth and dark, goatee neatly cut. His robes wrapped carefully around his slender frame, untouched by sand or filth. Slowly, a smile curled his full lips.

“Did you think your bindings could hold me for long, Raphael?” Asmodeus drawled. He stepped closer and his robes swirled delicately around his sandled feet. “Once upon a time, I was recognized as Seraph, too. You think that would merit at least a greeting on your part.”

Raphael knew he should not allow this abomination to rile him, but the demon’s casual attitude to whom still stood in their Lord’s favor angered him. His wings fluttered in a flare of light and fire. “You speak too boldly. Restrain your tongue.”

If anything, Asmodeus’ smile grew wider. The tip of his tongue slowly traced his lips. “Why would I want to do that?” he purred. “Why would you want me to do that, dear Brother? Or would you prefer to do it for me?”

Raphael stared at the demon, off-balance. His wings stilled and dimmed. “Keep your nonsense to yourself,” he said at last. “And you are no longer my brother. You chose your path.”

Asmodeus kept smiling, lazy and dark. His false human hands settled loosely at his sides. “I chose, Brother,” he agreed, soft voice like molasses. Raphael wondered if Asmodeus was using his Hellish power now, tingeing his voice with the temptations of sin. “What will you choose now?”

Suddenly unsure, Raphael resisted the urge to step away. Asmodeus just kept smiling, abruptly too close, his presence extended like the remains of his wings were reaching out to Raphael, even if Raphael couldn’t see them.

“Stop your nonsense,” Raphael commanded. He stood tall, towering over Asmodeus. To his disgust, Asmodeus didn’t look impressed. He didn’t know his betters. “Go back to your new master.”

Dark lips still curled in that damned smile, Asmodeus took a step forward. He was still two meters away, but it felt like Asmodeus was touching him. Raphael all but felt the brush of Asmodeus’ dead wings.

“Would you like to be my master for a day?” Asmodeus murmured. “Be master rather than a slave for once?”

Something was wrong here. Asmodeus should be quaking before Raphael’s righteousness and Grace. Instead, Raphael barely resisted the urge to back away.

Or step closer.

Raphael scowled and spread his wings. They towered over the demon. Whatever Hellish spell Asmodeus attempted to weave over him, Raphael would banish it as was his Lord’s will.

The damned creature still looked unimpressed.

“I’ll banish you to Hell,” Raphael snarled.

Asmodeus only stepped closer. The heat of Heaven and Hell simmered between them, stiflingly and unearthly and beyond anything in Raphael’s understanding.

“Want a little taste of Hell, Brother?” Asmodeus asked, and the air vibrated between them. The tip of his tongue slipped out again, dark and wet and sliding over his lips. “It’ll be better than Heaven.”

For a brief moment, quicker than a human’s heartbeat, than the beat of a hummingbird’s wings, Raphael was curious. For all of Heaven’s visions, Raphael had never seen anything like the heat shimmering between them now.

Tobias’ voice cut through the night like a bolt of lightning, calling Raphael’s human name. Raphael started, and his human form fell over him like a thick blanket, stifling him. For reasons Raphael could not understand, he shivered.

Asmodeus stood at his former distance, eyes lazy and smile relaxed. “We’ll talk later, Brother,” he said, a strange, dark promise in his voice. “We have all the time in the world.”

Even after Asmodeus vanished, Raphael stood still, bewildered and lost and a shivering heat clinging to him like static. He didn’t move until Tobias called him again.

In the distance, a voice whispered mockingly, “Make love, not war.”

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giftmas, bibleslash, fic

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