I just needed to hear your voice

Nov 16, 2009 21:09

This is me ranting as opposed to typing up my NaNo because all I want to do is go to bed and that doesn't make sense at all. Ugh.

Bitchfest time!

If you're bitching because a show is evolving and you want it to stick with the same old plot, you disturb me. Stories are supposed to evolve. It's a plot-thing.

If you're bitching because an actor is defying RPS slash and is planning on marrying an incredibly hot, awesome chick, you disturb me. Fanfiction exists for a reason.

If you hate a fictional character for no other reason than you think he/she (particularly she) works against your OTP, you disturb me. Again, fanfiction exists for a reason.

If you're writing fanfiction on a show, completely change a character because the character's normal traits don't mesh with what you think is cool, you disturb me. You're one step away from original fiction, so you might as well get away from the fanfiction and go straight to original fiction. Also? That angle tends to make me respect you less as a writer, as I feel you're taking the easy way out when a writer's job to go to the heart of it.

If you hate Twilight but have never actually taken the time to read it, you disturb me. Don't bash something based purely on secondhand accounts. If you're going to hate something, hate it on its own merits. Hell, you might just end up liking the books, and won't you feel stupid then?

If you love Twilight because you think the hero and the heroine's relationship is so romantic, you disturb me. It's an emotionally disturbed, dependent relationship that makes psychologists itch. On the other hand, if you like their relationship because it's so fucked up (hey, Winchesters!), power to you.

If you judge another fan for no other reason than they haven't been a fan as long as you, you disturb me. Get off your fucking high horse.

And I think I'm just going to crash early. *groans* I have a job interview tomorrow, but hopefully I can type a little before then. This bitch is going to be hell to clean up.

rl, nanowrimo, bitching

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