Nov 15, 2009 19:55

First off, CLICK!

Secondly, I'm not sure what makes me geekier: getting a kick out of this:

"I was sitting at a red light when “In the Air Tonight” by Phil Collins came on. The driver in front of me played the drum solo. IMMD"

or being absolutely positive that Dean Winchester is a secret fan of Mythbusters. :D

Got behind on my NaNo. Hit a bad spot that I need to harass artimusdin about. I owe her and chofi so much fic. ^^;;;;

So I attended church again tonight and scraped up an amazing amount of inspiration out of it, per usual. Unfortunately, none of it worked well with my NaNo, but by the end of it I was ready to get on my feet and scream to the skies, "Praise Sephiroth!" No, really. *coughs* Dammit, it fit with the songs! Except one syllable extra...

Now, though, it kinda bothers me. They had a children's choir...young kids. I'm of the mind that there are no such thing as religious children, only religious adults, and hearing the man talk constantly about how the children had let god into their lives and hearts and blahblahblah...I was disturbed. Religion should be an adult choice, and it seemed like they were taking a lot of that decision away. How many things do we cling to simply because we were taught them as children and never untaught? It's more of an automatic thing. Not to say that many people don't convert to other religions when they grow older, if they keep religion at all, but it just sounds like it would make it harder for them to make an adult decision on the matter later on. I think religion should be a choice, as opposed to how many religious people believe religion is no choice, as if you don't have it, you go to Hell.

And now I'm going to finish my email and then (hopefully) harass Dina. :D

rl, ramblings, sephiroth = jebus, religion

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