FF7: Unexpected Side-Effects Part XI

Oct 07, 2009 23:47

Unexpected Side-Effects Part XI
Fandom: FF7
Pairing: Sephiroth/Cloud, Zack/Sephiroth, Zack/Aeris, eventual Sephiroth/Zack/Cloud
Rating: PG-13
A/N: Per usual, very much artimusdin ’s baby as well as mine. :-D Also, hadesphoenix was a wonderful, wonderful person who was nice enough to give this a once over (and point out that eventually Seph might want to hang up the phone ^_~). All mistakes, of course, are still mine.
Warnings: nothing that hasn‘t been seen before in this fic, i.e. tentacles
Summary: In which the little chocobo that could has a fever.
Previous Parts

Part XI

Sephiroth kissed him…or had he kissed Sephiroth? But what about Sephiroth and Zack? Cloud couldn’t forget that. It featured whenever Cloud managed to snatch a few hours of sleep.

And then there was Zack and Aeris. Cloud was almost a hundred percent positive there was a ZackandAeris, while he was a hundred percent positive there was a ZackandSephiroth.

And now, maybe…SephirothandCloud?

Cloud groaned, not bothering to open his eyes. He had finally managed to get back to his room to rest before dinner, but now his brain wouldn’t shut off. The entire thing was making his head hurt. His mother hadn’t warned him about mad scientists and tentacles, but she had warned him about city folk. Maybe if she had remained lucid a little longer, she could have been a bit more specific.

Thinking of her made his head spin. Cloud closed his eyes a little tighter and rolled onto his side, stomach protesting the motion, and he made a mental note to stop eating from the cafeteria. Eating Nibel wolves was healthier than that crap - and if his mind would just shut up, he could get some sleep. With a groan, Cloud rolled onto his other side. He tried to think of the cool streams going down the Nibel Mountain, but saw only fire instead. He tried to focus on the surprising softness of his blanket, but felt only the brush of Sephiroth's lips against his.

Cloud groaned and rolled over once more. His stomach seemed to keep moving, and he clutched at the pillow in his hands. “Hello, Vincent,” he murmured, not bothering to open his eyes. His mom probably would have invited Vincent to dinner and told him he was too thin.

He felt Vincent’s hand brush against his forehead. It felt wonderfully cool, and Cloud sighed. Yeah, Ulfhilde would have loved Vincent.

“You have a fever,” Vincent noted. Cloud hummed, not really caring. His mind was already skipping to something else.

“Why did Zack call you the Turk Vincent Valentine?” Cloud asked, mind still back in Nibelheim. His mother hadn’t had a chance to meet Sephiroth or Zack, either. She would have fed them and talked about Zack’s hair. His dad had dark hair, too, though, so she might have even called Zack by his dad's name. For a moment, Cloud almost remembered his dad’s last name.

Cloud missed her suddenly, more than he had in the entire two years he had lived in Midgar. You’re going to be just like your dad, she had told him once, and then her handwriting had drifted, changed, and she had started writing about the howling wolves. She had made him chicken soup before he’d left. He wouldn’t mind some chicken soup right now.

Vincent touched his forehead again. “You need to sleep,” he said instead of answering, his tone mildly reproving. “You’re ill.”

Cloud hummed again. He had been trying to sleep. After this morning -- had it only been this morning? -- and everything that had happened, Cloud thought it would be easy to sleep. Instead, he kept tossing and turning. He shoved off his blankets, only to quickly pull them back as the first rush of cold air hit. How long had he been in here, anyway?

“How long have you been feeling ill?”

Cloud turned toward the sound of Vincent’s voice. He swallowed the building saliva in his mouth before answering. “I’m not sick,” he protested. “Just tired.”

But he couldn’t sleep. Maybe it was his body trying to remind him that sleeping in the middle of the day was bad. It certainly wouldn’t help him sleep tonight.

Just as Cloud decided he was going to get up and do something, he felt something press against his shoulder. He opened his eyes a slit to see Vincent’s thigh right by his face, where the man had taken a seat on the edge of the bed. Vincent kept his flesh hand on Cloud’s forehead.

“I was a Turk,” Vincent allowed. Cloud instantly settled. “And a foolish one. I grew arrogant where arrogance is lethal. And…I was naïve.” The bitterness in Vincent’s voice contrasted with the gentleness of his hand on Cloud’s forehead. Vincent’s thigh was tense against his shoulder. “She was beautiful, intelligent, and gentle. I was a fool.” Cloud tried to see Vincent’s face, only to realize his eyes had closed again. “We were both foolish, I suppose.”

His voice was still bitter but soft, and his hand was nice and cool. Cloud listened as his body grew heavier.

“She had a child, as beautiful and intelligent as she was. I look at him and I could believe…”

Cloud wanted to ask what he meant, but he was already falling asleep.

When he woke up again Vincent was gone, but there was a glass of water and two pills on his nightstand. “I’m not sick,” Cloud said aloud, but he still swallowed the pills. The water felt wonderful going down his parched throat and Cloud gulped it down. The room spun a little when Cloud climbed to his feet and he closed his eyes. “Just need some more water. That’s all.”

He had no idea what time it was (he needed a new clock), but he figured it was around dinnertime. Lunch still settling poorly in his stomach, Cloud stood in the middle of the hallway, a little lost. He wanted to be with Zack and Sephiroth, and he scolded himself for his dependence. Besides, both men probably wanted a small break from him for a while.

His former unit was another option, but after this morning’s mission, Cloud had no idea what his place was with them anymore. Allen’s attitude sealed his decision; he would visit them later.

Cloud had no idea where Vincent was, but the man had made it more than clear that he could find Cloud when he needed him. After all, what help could Cloud provide with the investigation?
Going back to bed was another option, but Cloud had been lazy enough today.

Another thought occurred to him and Cloud brightened. A smile on his face, Cloud started for the stables.

It took longer than Cloud thought to find Vali. For some reason the stable master refused to house him with the others and he only gave Cloud a strange look when he asked why.

The way the chocobo lit up when Cloud approached his dark, lonely corner made it worth it, though.

“Hey, beautiful,” Cloud crooned, leaning into the stable. Vali rested his head on Cloud’s shoulder with a small chirp. “Have they been feeding you okay? I wish I knew what snacks you liked…”

Vali brushed his beak against Cloud’s temple and began grooming his blond spikes. Cloud just closed his eyes and let him. Come to think of it, the hay in the stall looked incredibly comfortable. Maybe a small nap wouldn’t hurt. Vali certainly wouldn’t mind.

Cloud leaned a little heavier against the stall door. Or maybe, he thought ruefully, it’s time to find out where Zack keeps that coffee.

Vali kweh‘d softly and nuzzled his hair. Not opening his eyes, Cloud began petting his neck.

“Y’know, that one has almost every chocobo in here running scared."

Vali’s feathers ruffled before the speaker finished the first syllable. Startled, Cloud opened his eyes and turned around. Why didn’t he hear anyone coming?

An unfamiliar redhead slouched against a door two stalls down. He smiled cheerfully at Cloud, hands in his pockets.

“War chocobo, right?” the man asked, nodding at Vali. “Bet he saw some decent time in Wutai.”

Other than his ruffled feathers, Vali hadn’t moved, sharp eyes on the stranger. Cloud continued petting him, not looking away from the redhead. He suddenly realized he had left his rifle and sword in his room.

“Who are you?” Cloud demanded. The knowledge that Vali had his back comforted him a little, but the incident with the plane and being jumped in Midgar left him paranoid. The stranger’s cocky smile didn’t help.

The stranger raised his hands. “Hey, hey, hey! I mean no harm.” He flashed his teeth in a bright smile. “My name’s Reno. You’re Cloud, right?”

Reno. Cloud remembered Zack mentioning that name. His eyes widened in alarm. “You’re a Turk.”

It was strange how, with everything that had happened, he had forgotten that whole ‘shooting Hojo’ thing. Huh.

Reno kept his hands raised. “Breathe, kid. You look white as a ghost.” He paused as if in consideration. “Actually, you looked pretty pale, anyway. You haven’t been eating the cafeteria food, have you? ‘Cuz I know a couple places…”

“What do you want?” Cloud interrupted. He kept one hand on Vali’s neck, the other clenching and unclenching at his side. He had a knife still in his boot, but he doubted he could get to it before the Turk moved. He was never leaving his room short of full battle-rattle again.

Reno shrugged, hands unmoving above his shoulders. “What can I say? I was curious. There are a lot of rumors around about the little chocobo that could --”

Cloud’s eyes narrowed. Whatever Reno saw on his face made him take several steps back but his smile only faltered a little.

“Lots of rumors flying,” Reno amended smoothly. “Heard about you keeping up with two SOLDIERs,” his own eyes narrowed, “and taking out Hojo despite two Turks being there.”

Cloud flinched a little.

Reno shrugged again, smile bright on his face. “Things like that tend to attract a little interest, y’know?” Another flash of teeth. “Especially when the person responsible didn’t even pass the SOLDIER exam.”

For the first time, Cloud looked away from Reno, his hand tightening in Vali’s feathers. “Well, you’ve seen me,” he said shortly. “Now leave.”

Vali squawked sharply, as if backing up Cloud’s words. Reno finally dropped his hands, but he kept his palms facing Cloud.

“Hey, you can’t blame me for being curious,” Reno protested. “Everyone is. Like I said, the rumors are flying. Everyone wants to know about Sephiroth’s new Shadow.”

Cloud’s head snapped back up. His stomach and head both protested the move, but he barely noticed. There was that term again. He was really going to have to sit on Zack and make him explain a few things.

“A lot of rumors about the SOLDIER exam, too,” Reno continued, his smile softening now that he had Cloud’s interest. “Like maybe you said no to the wrong guy or said yes to the wrong one or…” Reno paused. Cloud leaned a little closer. "That the age standard is sixteen and you weren't old enough when you took the exam the first time."

Cloud leaned back, disappointed. “That’s it?” After everything, all that fight and fuss and self-blame and even crying on Zack’s shoulder, it was about his age?

Reno shrugged and leaned against the stall. “Hey, if you don’t believe me, you can ask the General himself. Sounds like he has an open-door policy for you.” Reno paused and tilted his head. “Or you can go to bed. You look like you’re the chocobo who spent time in Wutai, not your buddy.”

While Cloud sputtered, Reno tossed him a wink and turned to leave. “Oh,” he called over his shoulder, “just so y’know? You’re the right age for a new Turk.”

Cloud glared at the Turk’s back before turning to Vali. “I do not look like a chocobo.”

Vali chirped and began grooming his hair.

After promising to return soon with some fresh greens, Cloud headed to Sephiroth’s office. No matter what else Reno was babbling about, he was right. As head of SOLDIER, Sephiroth not only knew about SOLDIERs but SOLDIER-recruits. He would know if it was just his age.

If it was…if it wasn’t his fault…

The halls were empty and silent, everyone in the cafeteria for dinner or in Midgar for dinner. Sephiroth’s door was open a crack, and as Cloud drew closer, he could clearly hear Sephiroth’s voice in the quiet.

“…didn’t realize psychological factors so strongly influenced the possibility of mako poisoning. …Yes, Doctor. I suppose a strong sense of self-awareness would play a good part.”

Cloud pulled back, not wanting to interrupt the phone call, but Sephiroth had already noticed him. Cloud couldn’t make out what he said next, but then the older man called out, “Come in.”

Cloud’s cheeks felt hot as he stepped into the room. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

Sitting behind his desk again with the phone in its cradle, Sephiroth waved away his words. Still, his face looked pinched. Cloud wondered how long he had been sitting in his office. “You can always come in, Cloud,” Sephiroth reassured him. He stared at Cloud for a moment, as if looking for something. Cloud didn’t know what he saw, but it made Sephiroth relax.

“Cloud,” he began, standing up. Sephiroth frowned, studying him again. “Are you feeling all right? You look flushed.”

Well, last time he had been standing here Sephiroth had been kissing him, so being flushed was understandable. Cloud didn’t say that out loud, though; he simply shook his head. The pounding in his temples made him instantly regret the motion. “I’m fine.”

Acting like he hadn't heard him, Sephiroth walked around his desk and stood in front of Cloud. Cloud's flush only deepened when Sephiroth put his fingers under his chin and tilted his face up.

"You look feverish," Sephiroth said, and it occurred to Cloud that Sephiroth sounded a lot like Vincent when he said that. "Did you rest earlier?"

Even as he was speaking, he touched Cloud's waist with his other hand and led him over to the couch. Cloud ducked his head so Sephiroth wouldn't see him grimace. He'd been there once today already.

"I slept in my room a little after lunch, but I feel fine," Cloud lied. Maybe he didn't feel the greatest but today had been kind of stressful. The cafeteria food couldn't have helped. He wasn‘t sick. "Really."

Cloud started when both of Sephiroth's hands dropped. He turned to see him better. Sephiroth looked a little flushed, his eyes a tad too bright. Cloud stepped toward him. "Sephiroth?"

He almost said ‘Seph’ but he managed to spit out the rest. Not yet. Maybe later.

Sephiroth touched his cheek before dropping his hand back to his side. "Maybe..." Sephiroth shook his head, and Cloud watched him, fascinated. He had never seen Sephiroth this flustered, not even when he was adjusting to his change.

Cloud forced a smile, even as he clenched his fists at his sides. He wasn‘t sick. "I'm okay. You can go back to your paperwork and I'll go back to my room. My question can wait."

And it could, Cloud decided. It was a stupid question to bother him with anyway. Besides, Zack would know. He could just ask Zack later. Where was Zack, anyway?

Sephiroth grabbed his elbow before he could move. "You don't have to leave," he said quickly. He glanced at the couch. Cloud followed his gaze. "My work won't take much longer. You can stay here."

Cloud smiled back, feeling flustered himself. Not knowing what to say, he nodded and settled on the couch, figuring he could wait if it would make Sephiroth feel better. When he stretched out on the couch, Sephiroth touched his forehead before returning to his desk. Cloud fell asleep to Sephiroth's pen scratching on paper.

When he awoke again, it was to the feel of fingers on his forehead and Sephiroth's voice above his head.

"He is feverish, Zack," he heard. "No, I don't...I... Are you almost done in Midgar? No. No. He was sick earlier, but he said he was all right. ...yes. I --"

Cloud squinted, feeling his pulse pound in his temples. The first thing he saw was Sephiroth's tentacles in front of his face. I hope he took his pants off first, Cloud thought.

"Wait, he's awake." A tentacle brushed against Cloud's face, only to quickly jerk away. Without thinking, Cloud reached out and brushed his fingers against it.

"I don't mind," he said quietly, voice unexpectedly hoarse. He had meant to get more water earlier. Had he forgotten?

Sephiroth fell quiet above him, and then a tentacle slithered back to wrap gently around Cloud's wrist. Cloud shifted so he could pull it under his head, using it as a pillow.

"Come back soon," Sephiroth said quietly, and then he lowered himself so he was face-to-face with Cloud.

"I'm okay," Cloud repeated. He looked at Sephiroth once before letting his eyes close. He wasn't sick, he was just tired. He hadn't slept well last night because of that strange dream, after all. And he was still thirsty. He really needed to remember to get that water.

Sephiroth touched his forehead again and then his cheeks. Cloud opened his eyes just enough to see Sephiroth frowning down at him. With his free hand, Cloud reached up and gently patted Sephiroth’s arm. “I’m okay.”

For some reason, Cloud had a strange sense of déjà vu.

Sephiroth was still frowning, though. He kept touching Cloud’s face, eyes intense with concentration as if he was expecting by force of will to see what was wrong with Cloud.

“I’m okay,” Cloud said, his eyes closing again.

He was okay. He had to be okay.

“…looks thin,” he heard next, and Cloud was really getting tired of time slipping from him like that.


“…not a SOLDIER.”

Cloud strained to hear but then the world slipped sideways again.

He awoke to ice pressing against his lips. Not opening his eyes, he sucked it into his mouth. He wondered where he could get more.

“You back with us, Spike?” Zack asked.

Zack. Cloud forced his eyes open. The world blurred for a moment, and then Zack’s face came into view. Zack smiled at him, violet eyes gone dark.

“Hey,” Cloud said, blinking up at him. He looked behind Zack, trying to see Sephiroth. It wasn’t hard. Sephiroth stood right at Zack’s shoulder, normal legs instead of tentacles under him again. He had either taken his pants off before he changed or he kept extra pants in his office. Cloud was guessing both.

“You’re running a bit of a fever there, Spike,” Zack commented, sitting on his heels. “You need to start taking better care of yourself.”

Cloud scowled at him. He wasn’t sick; he was just tired.

He wasn’t weak, dammit.

Cloud blinked as Zack flicked his nose. “Whatever you’re thinking, stop it. You’ve been getting tossed around pretty regularly lately. You’re allowed to get sick.” Cloud glared at him, but all Zack did was flick his nose again. Cloud’s eyes crossed. “I got you some water. Drink a bit and get some more sleep.”

Sephiroth leaned forward and Cloud noticed he had a glass of water in his hands. Suddenly reminded of his dry throat, Cloud barely kept himself from snatching it out of his hands. A voice in the back of his mind whispered about dehydration and fevers, but Cloud resolutely ignored it.

Sephiroth’s worried eyes didn’t help.

Only Zack’s urging kept Cloud from gulping down the water. He shouldn’t need to be told that and he knew he didn't need to be told but he was tired and so damned thirsty. It was mostly due to Sephiroth’s steady stare that he drank slowly. Not meeting either of their eyes, Cloud handed the glass back and settled back onto the couch. He glanced behind Zack to see the clock on the wall.

Twenty-two-hundred hours. Cloud almost laughed. Only? So he was tired, not sleepy; but he closed his eyes again anyway, if only to get away from those worried eyes.

Cloud stayed still and quiet, feeling their eyes on him. He concentrated on breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth and pretended he could make the sickness go away with sheer will power.

The weakness would go away.

Sephiroth and Zack fell quiet, as if any noise would wake him up. Cloud guessed they had forgotten that even before Nibelheim and Wutai and sleeping in the field, he had slept in a barracks surrounded by other privates. A little bit of noise wouldn’t bother him.

He told himself he couldn’t sleep because he had been sleeping all day, not because his head was throbbing. Cloud focused on his breathing like he had when he had been young and his nightmares kept him awake, and after a while, Zack and Sephiroth began talking. Their voices were low, but Cloud could still make out bits of the conversation.

“…platoon right outside of Midgar.”

“An entire platoon?”

“Without a trace. Seph, they were patrolling the area where we were attacked by the wolves.”


“Troopers won’t cut it. They need SOLDIER.”

“And what about the marsh?”

“Just like everywhere else. Irregular monster activity: bigger, meaner, all with glowing eyes.”

“…I see.”

Cloud was afraid he saw, too.

“And Seph?”


“Scientists have disappeared from Junon, too.”

The conversation quieted, and Cloud drifted off again.

Next Part

ff7, fic, sxcxz, tent!fic

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