But these two gumshoes are picking up the slack.

Oct 07, 2009 11:42

Um, LJ? Why didn't I get any of the comments from last night and this morning? Just out of curiosity, you understand.

All right, a friend of mine married her current hubby about two years ago. She told him he couldn't move in with her until they were married, and they were almost promptly married after that. She wanted something sorta traditional about it.

Well, first time I actually had any concrete details about the guy, I looked at her and told her to divorce his ass. As someone who is not interested in relationships and who has never been in a serious one, I'll admit to lacking some of the sensitivity the situation probably requires. Still, though...the entire time she was at our Annual Training (AT), he send texts wondering exactly what she was doing and why she didn't have time to text him and etc. etc. etc. She told me this was a pretty regular thing, and he flipped out if she spoke to any guy. He got paranoid when she said she was hanging out with me all day, as in the military we tend to refer to each other by our last names and he thought I was a guy. Okay, really. If this is a regular occurrence, maybe something's wrong with the situation.

Every drill since then, he had been doing crap like that, paranoid about where she was and who she was with and accusing her of cheating on him. I kept repeating to divorce the bastard (blunt, I know), and she told me that he was actually getting better, that now that he was going to Basic and the such that he was changing. I told her flatly that people don't change like that. If nothing else, he was acting that way only due ot his drill sergeants. She insisted that he was changing and changed the subject.

Last drill she told me that he had gone online with her password to check her log from her phone. He accused her of lying because she told him she had been texting me, who lived in Pittsburgh, while I still had my WV area code on my cellphone. (I like my plan.)  She changed her info so he couldn't do that again.

So what did he do in response?

He cleared out their bank account.



I hate to use the phrase "asking for it," I really do, especially in reference to another woman. However, in this case...well, she had every warning sign under the sun, had various people telling her to get away from that guy or at least protect herself so something like this couldn't happen, and she still stuck with him. She's an intelligent, independent woman who honestly thought he would change. That kicked her in the ass.

/outsider's perspective

rl, bitching

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