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tiptoe39 May 7 2011, 18:13:39 UTC
Cuddling. Don't care who or how it happens, but cathartic cuddling :)


talli_approved May 7 2011, 23:04:10 UTC
Cas watches Dean sleep, like he has many times before, but this time feels different. For one thing, he feels even less welcome because of the attempted angel sigils used in hopes of warding him off ( ... )


tiptoe39 May 7 2011, 23:06:52 UTC
Talli_approved, you are tippy-approved.

Just so's you know.

*smothers you with hugs and love and gratitude for this*

:D :D :D :D :D


talli_approved May 7 2011, 23:13:17 UTC
Oh yay! It's been so long since I've written Dean/Cas fic that I've posted, even longer since I've written canon (as much as is possible) Dean/Cas, and even LONGER since I've done comment fic, so I was a bit nervous.

I'm so glad you liked it, especially since you're kind of the queen of comment fic :P


mulder200 May 7 2011, 23:54:59 UTC
Oh God yes! This is just what I needed to read.


cs_whitewolf May 8 2011, 11:03:38 UTC
♥ aww, now why couldn't this have happened in the episode?!


drunkcascookies May 8 2011, 16:57:54 UTC
Lovely fic. Aw, Cas and Dean. ♥ ♥ ♥


simonejester February 10 2012, 04:39:36 UTC
That was downright beautiful. :)


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