Nov 24, 2004 22:55
I sit here.
Reading what you said,
I can't stop shaking....
A single tear falls from my eye,
Thank you.
Thank you more than you know.
I needed that..
I forgot...
Who I was...
What I'm here for...
Deep down I've been blaming God...
It's not Him,
He loves me like woah...
I just needed to hear it again.
I'm sorry.
I'm so completely sorry.
To you, and to everyone else I've been hurting.
I haven't been able to talk about it.
But you deserve to know.
You are my BEST friend...
You mean the world to me...
So you deserve to know.
My Dad and Mom have been together for 14 years in a week.
14 long, long years.
At the begining of their marriage my Mom got calls.
Calls from women.
Calls for my Dad.
They called everyday...
All day they would call...
"David is the father of my child..."
"He's mind wich back off..."
On and on.
Throughout the years the calls stopped.
All seemed well...?
Four years ago.
Christian Family Camp.
I was looking through my Dads Bible.
His Bible.
Some letters fell out.
I at the young, nieve age of 12 pick them up and begin to read them.
"I love you David...Does your wife know about us yet...? haha screw her..."
On and on the letters went.
All her I's were dotted with hearts.
All her T's crossed with Love.
My mom asks me..."whatcha got there tiff...?"
"umm nothing"-I try to hide them...She's too smart she takes them...
"what is this...?"
"I..I...I don't know."
A fight breaks out...
Mom crying.
Dad doesn't seem to mind really, He wonders what other people are thinking...
Ugh from there you can guess...
Last friday.
They get in a fight.
Not very unusual, until...
"We're moving, I can't do it anymore Tiffany...I'm sorry....I don't want to mess your life up and move you but.."
See my Dad talks bad about my Mom to everyone.
Everyone that will listen.
He makes Her seem like a total witch.
He goes crying to his mom telling her my Mom is such a horrible...blah blah bah...
That is a whole different issue with his mom...
But it's the little things that add up I guess...
Anyways back to my story.
My Dad doesn't come home...
He tried to run over my Mom with the car...But she's the crazy one...riiight
My brothers stay up calling him till one o'clock...
He doesn't care enough to answer his phone.
He comes home the next day.
Big explosion.
I'll try to sum it up.
Fight, Fight, yell, yell,try to run over, want to commit suicide....argh
I find out through all of this...
He hasn't ever really given up that girl.
He was doing it when they got their vows renewed!!!!!!!
Four years.
That's not the worst of it.
Ugh it gets so much worse...
But I really don't feel like talking about that...
I can't
Not on the computer.
Not now.
See there's atleast half of the story.
Is that a good reason to hate him....?
I shouldn't hate him.
And I wont.
If you want to hear the rest...maybe someday..
When we have one of our heart to heart talks..
Thank you.
I love you.
I love him too...
....70 x 7 right...?