At some point I've gotten around to recording podfic again, and totally been to lazy to get around to posting stuff.
here's a bunch of podfic.
Also, the
fandom_helps auction is closing soon,
here's my offer for podfic. And there's lots of other interesting things to bid on too. Especially podfic. Lots of podfic. :D
I just got permission for the story I'm going to read for
podficbigbang (didn't get permission for my first choice, but I'm just as excited about this and it's not like it's second best or anything. Just hadn't read it yet when I asked for permission for the one that got denied). So, I promptly submitted my choice and it's all official now. I am excite. And also incredibly nervous because it's the longest fic by far I've ever tried to podfic and I have no idea if I'll be able to have it done in time (and part of the reason why I didn't want to work with an artist). I think I usualy avarage a bit over an hour of podfic for 10 000 words, so my best estimate has me with around 30 hours worth of podfic (give or take a few hours, but really, who's counting). I must be insane.