(no subject)

Feb 20, 2012 01:33

My latest batch of podfic I've forgotten to post.

Title: Early Returns
Author: rageprufrock
Reader: tinypinkmouse
Fandom(s): Inception
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Arthur/Eames
Rating: Mature
Length: 01:44:35/71.82MB/mp3
Notes: This was recorded for greeniron and the
scarleteenfans auction. I'm very happy that they requested a fic I quite enjoyed and probably never would have ended up reading otherwise (yay for expanding my horizons and such).
Summary: Thinking that a reporter genuinely likes you is pretty much on par with feeling like you really are special to that stripper.

Download at sendspace

Title: For Us, The Living
Author: lannamichaels
Reader: tinypinkmouse
Fandom(s): Highlander
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Kronos/Methos
Rating: G
Length: 00:03:46/3.45MB/mp3
Summary: Most of it, he destroys.
Most, but not all.

Download at sendspace

Title: Triple Drabble: Letters From The Front (Johnny's Gone For Soldier; The War Is Long Over)
Author: lannamichaels
Reader: tinypinkmouse
Fandom(s): Torchwood
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Jack Harkness
Rating: G
Length: 00:02:26/1.68MB/mp3
Summary: Drabble prompt from fiercy: He stepped backward two paces, bowed slightly, turned and strode toward the door as his smile grew slowly to wicked proportions.

Download at sendspace

Title: Tiger and Flame
Author: lannamichaels
Reader: tinypinkmouse
Fandom(s): The Prophecy
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Thomas Daggett/Lucifer
Rating: Not Rated
Length: 00:06:42/6.13MB/mp3
Summary: Lucifer reflects on Thomas' life.

Download at sendspace

Title: Outcast
Author: thuviaptarth
Reader: tinypinkmouse
Fandom(s): Farscape
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Aeryn Sun
Rating: Not Rated
Length: 00:04:35/4.20MB/mp3
Summary: She daydreamed sometimes of how they'd write it up in the histories: the strategies and the battles and Aeryn Sun's braid, as famous a marker as Fekkar's Twilith clan scars or Durka's glass eye.

Download at sendspace

fandom:inception & rpf, fandom:highlander, fandom:torchwood, reader:tinypinkmouse, archived, fandom:farscape, fandom:prophecy

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