I feel displaced

Feb 03, 2012 00:00

I've been living in this apartment for over a year now. I like it well enough and somewhere in there it started feeling like home. So, why is it that the last week or two (not exactly sure when it started) I seem to be expecting to be somewhere else in those sleepy or distracted moments that I'm not quite all there. I keep expecting things to be different, stuff to be in different places and then once I focus there's a horribly confusing moment as I realise where I am. It's that feeling you get when you wake up somewhere you're not used to sleeping and it takes awhile before you realise where you are, except it keeps happening over and over, and not just when waking up. It's starting to weid me out.

It's cold out now. Has been for the whole week. I'm not complaining exactly. But walking for any longer distance in anything bellow -20°C makes my head feel like it's going to explode once I finally get inside. It also makes me feel dizzy and just weird. Hmm... it's also not so much fun when your face gets a bit too frozen, and it maybe hurts to breath just a bit. And the temperature has been around the negative thirty mark lately, it's definitely made getting to school a bit less fun. But then, I prefer this to the wind and snow that felt like tiny needles being thrown into your face, even if the temperature was closer to zero then it sure didn't feel like it. But hey, I've finally learned to dress warm enough so it's not so bad (well sort of learned, it still had to get to -20°C before I thought it was cold enough that I needed to put on something under my jeans when going out. Okay, I did for slightly less cold too if I knew I'd have to stay outside for a while. So, I'm not a complete idiot anymore).

post: random scribbles

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