what to do now?

Dec 20, 2011 13:31

Today I should submit a draft for spn_in_space. My problem is that I couldn't quite figure out what to write, so I have three drafts that qualify. Currently I feel like all of them are crap, and I can't seem to decide which one to submit.

I woke up to good birthday wishes from mom and dad (they're on holiday in Spain for Christmas) and almost burst out crying. I don't know why. It still makes me all teary eyed.

I suppose it's a compliment that I've heard from several people lately that kissing me is nice. Not anything I've ever thought I was any good at. So, yay? I guess. Also, how did I get into a situation were several people will tell me this? Furthermore this weekend I was also accused twice (by different people) of... well, I'm not exactly sure of what, making people (or possibly just men in this case) fall for me (and then maybe somehow finding that funny), I'd assume. My questions are a)how would you even do that, b) why would you do that and c) WTF? I mean again, I suppose it's a compliment of sorts to think that I can just make people like me, but really? Most of the time I don't even know how to talk to people, let alone anything else.

LJ is going to get rid of subject lines in comments? (Today?) Or possibly not? I hope not. Why LJ, why? :(

And that reminds me that I've always meant to say that if anyone would happen to ever want DW invite codes for some reason, I do have a few of them.

real life: family is weird, post: fannish things, real life: talking to people, real life: thinky thoughts

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