(no subject)

Nov 28, 2011 18:35

Spent the night at the ER with sister. Nothing's changed again. All the tests come back the same as ever. But even knowing beforehand that that's the most likely outcome, not going isn't really an option as far as I'm concerned. Never know if this is the time when things do take a turn for the worse. Sister's long since given up hope of ever coming away from the hospital less sick than she was going in. All they do these days is make sure that nothing significant changes have happened.

She's not in good shape at the moment. And they'd keep her in the hospital if she wants to, but really, there's no point to it since they can't do anything and the hospital beds usually just make her back worse anyway. If she doesn't start feeling a bit better soonish, she'll probably go in for another MRI just to check that things in her head are the same as ever. And Aada's sick too and can't even go to daycare, which doesn't help the situation.

It's just not this time either, overall sister isn't doing too well. Proof of it is that she and Aada's dad decided that once he gets back into town from work, he'll aparently stay at home and Aada will move to live with her dad (starting December, I think). That's not a decission either of them would do lightly.

real life: family is weird, post: random scribbles

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