30 days of...

Sep 15, 2010 01:08

Okay, so I'm doing these memes three days at a time now it seems. I keep forgetting, but damnit I'll finnish them. Also, been watching more True Blood and it's curious; usually I see attractive characters and want to slash them (and sometimes I go for het even, but not quite as often), but when it comes to Eric, I just want him. Full stop. Cheesy Swedish dialogue and all. And the biting. I'm not really used to thinking like that about a character, it's a bit odd. Oh, and that one flashback... hearing a viking with a Finnish accent is just incredibly funny. Not that the rest of them didn't speak amazingly contemporary Swedish. :)

Day 22 - Your favorite minor character
Gabriel. Definitely Gabriel.
Day 23 - The character that is most like you
I don't know. For some reason I keep identifying with Dean the most, I don't really think I'm like him though.
Day 24 - An episode you wish never happened
5.19. Because... Gabriel! And all the other issues with that episode.

Day 22 - Favorite documentary
I don't really remember watching any... I have, but I wouldn't know the names of them.
Day 23 - Favorite animation
Toward the Terra.
Day 24 - That one awesome movie idea that still hasn't been done yet
I'm pretty sure they've all been done at some point. Sorry.

TV shows
Day 22 - Favorite series finale
I guess the last one for B5... even though I probably cried too most of it. :)
Day 23 - Most annoying character
Horatio Caine. I don't watch the series, but I catch an episode now and then and I just cannot stand him. At all. Not even a little bit.
Day 24 - Best quote
"I can spot planets. They're large. I have good eyesight."

post: fannish things, post: meme

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