Oct 31, 2005 10:15
Heyy..soo I guess I have some catching up to do in the LJ community haha
welllllll..as it turns out, my cereal is soggy :'(
nono, uhh I'm finished school forever, except for one Accounting Course, which I'm taking on Wednesday nights (only 10 sessions, and I'm almost done them) for 2 hours each, yet I seem to be the first one done like an hour early so it never lasts that long thank god. =]
I'm also working every single freakin day...tuesday-saturday at some really tiny restaurant in Oak Bay called Among Friends and then Sun/Mon at the Renaissance where I've been wasting my life away for the last 3 years haha...I havent had a day off in over a month and a half..except for saturday when I called in sick cuz I'm not getting better :( but I ended up working for my grandparents instead.
I saw Laura, Frenchy and Evan the other day...it was great! Except I didnt get to spend enough time with them, hopefully soon though, I miss my friends I havent seen anyone in soooooo long :( What's everyone up to anyways? I'm guessing school...bah...schoolers...
I'm going to book my flights today for my move to Australia with Kevin. We'll be leaving the beginning of January, spending a few days in Singapore before heading to Australia and living in Geelong (near Melbourne in Victoria) for at least 6 months..(will you miss me?) haha Kevin's sister lives there for the year cuz her bf is Australian and his family's all there. Before that she was in England for a year so Kevin's really excited to see her after soo long..which is great. I'm sorta scared though, I wont know anyone cept for him and I havent been away from home for more than 3 weeks..but even that doenst count cuz it was to my cabin with my family haha We're gunna travel all around the country on a bus tour thing and live and work whereever we like prolly. I want to bring home a Koala but I hear they're sorta vicious :\ well maybe a Joey will sufice...we'll have to see haha
So I've decided that we definatly all need to get together asap and do lotsa fun stuff before then...I need pictures of all of you to bring wiht me :D cuz I'll miss you!
Whats everyone doing for halloween tonight? Kevin made us costumes outta garbage bags...haha omg...what do I do? :S we're going out with the guys I think..and they're all dressing up as superheros I think...from what I hear reid-batman, ryan-superman, woody-robyn (how fitting is that?!), uhh...McDoogle-his own creation, Ro-Mr T. (hahahahahahahahaa), Frenchy-uhhhhhhh that guy that runs really fast...Flash? or sumthing like that.., Sean-dunno and Evan-Sean Desmond...SICK! any suggestions for me? haha
:O my guinea pigs are squeaking :S hmmm and well my cereal really is very soggy now..damn those frosted flakes..I need chocolate...