[#120] Guess What This Is About...

Feb 21, 2012 21:48

i. Tuesdays seem to be a regular thing now ever since I started watching Gossip Girl regularly. (I can't say I don't anymore--or at least, it's far past that point because it's been about a month. And I've slipped so far down my stupid slide to horribleness that this is just it.) Last week, I thought. nothing could get better than their V-day's kiss. AHAHAHAHAHA. Thank god they proved me wrong, because Dair had two kisses this ep and they were both beautiful in their own way.

(credit to janeyoucrazy.)
Basically, the best part of this is Dan's face. Ohmygod, can we just have Penn kissing Leighton all the time because ngh. I just can't even. I was flailing quite a bit at this because she tries to prove there would be nothing in a kiss between them, and Dan is just not having it. (Which, good for him.) The line that separated their friendship and his feelings has pretty much disintegrated for him--he knows what that feelings like and he wants more of it. Which is essentially the lead up to his confession to her, WHICH OMG, SHE THOUGHT ON AND REALIZED HER OWN FEELINGS. BLAIR/DAN WHY ARE YOU TWO SO PERFECT? T.T My heart.

(credit to annelli0t.)
Then she in turn talks to him honestly, and reacts. and then gives him a sweet kiss while fiddling with her WEDDING RING. ngh. Sad that she's still married, HAPPY that she is trying. T.T Dan's face. oh man, dan's face.

I HAVE NO REAL THOUGHTS OTHER THAN HAPPY. FLAIL. COMPLETE TROLLING OF THE DAIR TAG ON TUMBLR. I can't really think of anything else right now other than to be ridiculously happy they've made Dair canon. And then be depressed that they brought back the video storyline. >.> Although judging by the next ep's description: "Chuck and Georgina partner up in a scheme, but it has an unpredictable outcome." That has to be the "revealing" of Dan as the culprit, but I'M REALLY HOPING THIS MEANS THAT HE WAS A RED HERRING. That it was sent from his phone, yes, but he didn't send it. Idk, I'm still confused why he would, so here's to hoping he really didn't. T.T

Uh, other things.... I'm glad Serena decided to be by their sides. The Charlie/Ivy storyline is interesting but slightly all over the place--also, damn you Ivy, why are you calling Georgina? DON'T YOU KNOW THAT'S A BAD IDEA?! And, um, I'm sure I had more thoughts. but right now it's all, DAIRDAIRDAIRDAIRDAIR.

I'm pretty sure I meant to be more coherent, but as you can tell, that didn't quite work out. Oh, I forgot to mention, Dan's stupid for not having more than one copy of his proposal. Really?! (Also, Dan's hair is getting a little unruly. XD I wouldn't mind a little snipping here and there.)

Until the show ruins Dair (because they will, I have absolutely no damn faith in them--not because I know from first-hand experience, but because shows just have to have drama in them), I will probably be regularly posting about GG and I apologize for that in advance. if i had my way, i would like to NOT be as obsessed as I am. >.>

ii. Watashi ga Renai Dekinai Riyuu: I managed to marathon the remainder of this drama (eps 3-10) in the past week and it was glorious. I have been feeling rather mushy lately. Maybe because all I've been watching is damn romance movies/shows and so that's all I want. Doesn't help that I see shipping in everything. But this drama really just... I could relate to these girls so much. Even Saki whose storyline centered around an affair--which I personally wouldn't want to experience--but it wasn't an affair like normal ones because technically, nothing physical happened. (Minus the first kiss.) But it was emotional so I still count it as an affair--they were emotionally reliant on each other and through the course of the drama, you could see why. Takumi couldn't talk to Misuzu, because in doing so, he'd reveal the things that were making him unhappy or at least uncomfortable. But something about Saki made it easy for him to talk to, which makes sense because they don't have that history. There is no technical relation between the two so there are no qualms talking about their troubles.

But honestly, it was the combination of Fujii and Mako's story that appealed to me most. Fujii and her hidden bff love made me wibble, mainly because I get that. I get having that friend always by your side, that friend that you feel the most comfortable with but can't really have the courage to do anything more with. I also so understand just being annoyed by how troublesome love is, and how much you just don't want to have to care about this--except when it's staring you in the face. I get this so much. What I loved about Fujii's story is that she realized, yeah, love is messy and annoying, but you know what, it's still amazing to experience. It's still something you'd want to experience. And then there's Mako's storyline where she's so earnest and all she really wants is to be happy. And she does find chances but people are fuckers and jackasses and you know what, that happens. There are a lot of assholes out there and unfortunately that's just a hazard of trying to find happiness. But it made me so happy that she would find it. And it was right beside her, right there when she was trying to be happy for herself.

If anything, I love that that's the ultimate thing--start with yourself because love with someone else can't start until you love yourself. All three characters were able to find themselves in their own way and it was lovely. ♥♥♥

I'm pretty sure I had more to say. I don't even know. T.T I just know that I loved this and I loved marathoning it and it was an amazing watch. It also makes me really want to fall in love.

iii. This past weekend, for President's day weekend, my cousin from West Point came to stay. It was fun but a little hectic since I had to take him around both Saturday and Sunday. He is basically fail though and didn't come up with anything for me to go off on places he'd want to see. So instead, I had to come up with random places that I hadn't brought him to the last time he visited. It was pretty fun; I am just awkward as a human being so our conversations would taper off and I would um and uh every time there were bouts of silence. Thankfully, C came both days and she's always been awesome at keeping conversation going. (Which is why I invited her out, thank god she accepted.) What was awesome about this though is that I went to two places that I hadn't been to before. Walked across Brooklyn Bridge and then the 9/11 Memorial. Both were fascinating. Brooklyn Bridge wasn't as long a walk as I thought it would be! Half an hour walk and that's even at our leisurely pace. All in all, super fun! :D Lots of good food and good company. ♥♥♥

dair will be my downfall, penn badgley has grown on me, my friends are completely awesome, watashi ga renai dekinai riyuu, gossip girl, new york is loads of fun

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