[#093] Been a Busy Weekend

Oct 11, 2011 15:11

i. And I don't mean just fandom-wise. >.> I have no opinion.

Did i trick you? XD But seriously, even though I started out as the biggest biggest biggest damn NEWS fan ever--read: all my picspams, birthday posts, etc. In the past two years, being a fan has been more of a quieter journey for me. I still love NEWS, will always love NEWS no matter which members are part of the group--because even if the group dynamic will be different now that there's only 4 members, and even though my favorite member is no longer there, the group and its perseverance are what make me like NEWS. Sure, I haven't liked the other members as much, but Shige has been my second favorite for a long time and now, he'll be upgraded to my favorite in NEWS. lol. ♥

I don't begrudge either Ryo/Yamapi because this is, first and foremost, still a business. Shit happens. Things happen behind the scenes that we'll never know/understand and for that, I can't judge them because who knows what was said/done behind closed doors. They're no longer part of NEWS, but that's okay with me. K8 is never going to be one of my fav JE groups but I still enjoy them and will support them--it is the year of K8 after all. And Yamapi is still my top Johnny's boy. I will love any/everything he comes out with. While I doubt he'll do stuff in America (damn it), I would love to see where his path takes him.

All in all, while I am anxious to hear what will happen with 4-member NEWS, I am hoping for the best. I want them to sell. I want them to be able to show everyone that despite all the hits they take, they're still strong enough to keep going. I want them to be happy. I say the same for Yamapi/Ryo. I want them to succeed. I want them to be happy. No hating here. Thnx.

ii. So Sunday! C and I went to the KBS Concert at Overpeck County Park in NJ. Guys. Talk about disorganized. I don't know what it was--whether it was a combination of the number of people/the heat/ridiculousness, but holy shit. So we arrived early for no damn reason, because the mess they went through regarding tickets was ridic. From what I got, the idea was that they would have people line up around 1 PM until 4 PM when they would start checking tickets. However, apparently the Health Department called saying that ppl cannot be standing in the sun for long extended hours so they made us go back in our seats. But not everyone went, so there were repeated messages and blahblah. Let's just say there were at least 3/4 mad dashes towards seats. And then they said that where you're sitting is where you'll be and they'll check your tickets there. Let me just tell you that this method was hella flawed. People could just get up and leave and come back after they "checked the ticket" and at one point, a lady came by and C didn't get it out in time and she didn't even seem to care. It was like... why make us go through the hassle of getting tickets if they're basically MOOT.

Otherwise, C and I only stayed for the rehearsals. Holy shit was it hot. Guys, I got the most ridiculous tan. >.< It was steaming there and we arrived around 11AM so were there for a good 5-6 hours, waiting. But we managed to catch the appearances of most of the groups! Granted we were all standing on our stupid chairs by this point because it was the only way to see anyone, lol. (The screens weren't working yet.) But it was pretty fabulous regardless. We had a decent enough view that we had a good look at the stage and the tiny-ants that were the Kpop artists. (Unless someone moved their damn head into our view, but otherwise, it worked out pretty well. lol) Even though I didn't know ANYONE--like seriously, it was funny how many times I turned to C and was like "who's up now?"--I totally got into it. I was bopping along to the music--some were okay, some were meh. But it was a good time! :D

iii. Because I will take any opportunity to pimp Alexz Johnson. She has a MV for her song Look At Those Eyes. She is so amazing and absolutely gorgeous in this MV. *_______________* I love her so, so please check her out! :D

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P.S. Today has been the most ridiculous work day. I really hope tmr will be quieter. okay thnx bye.

am i being analytical? wth?, alexz johnson, yamapi is my je bias, a video you all must watch, news is made of so much awesome

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