[#021] Ohhayi'malive

Dec 07, 2010 09:07

but not by much. Ugh.

i. I want to say that I can't believe I let nearly a month go without posting, but I can definitely believe it. Tack on the fact that I've been rather busy in rl, then my procrastinating when I'm home by reading manga (btw, Tenshi Nanka Ja Nai by Yazawa Ai is my latest love--it had me fucking weeping while I was reading it) or playing Chrono Trigger when I can (I'M ALMOST DONE!!!) to the fact that the "i" key on my laptop at home is BROKEN... Yeah, I haven't had much time/patience/will to actually post. Which is funny because you'd think I'd want to remember moments like going to Jin's concert THAT SUNDAY BACK THEN. asd;lfkajsdlfkjaskldfj Or going to Philly for a weekend! Or um.... the boring Thanksgiving I had at my godparents' house. ~_~;; Regardless of material, it would be the kind of thing I'd like to put up to remember years later (you know, if I still remember that I have a livejournal that far--or if LJ is still around then lol). That said, Oh hay, i'm posting now.

ii. Can we go back to the fact that my laptop's "i" key is freaking broken? When I came back from Philly, I discovered that something from my shelf (something rather HEAVY) had fallen onto my laptop and broken off the "i" key completely and chipped off a piece of the "9" key (not breaking that one though). IT IS ANNOYING THAT OF ALL THE LETTERS TO BREAK, IT'D BE ON THAT'S PRETTY FREQUENTLY USED. ://// I am wishing that my "9" key had broken instead because dude, my tweets look hysterical now since all I can do is copypasta the "i" (lowercase) whenever I have to use it. An example of this: "LOL MUKAi PUT KUSANAGi AND KATORi AS THE ViCTiM/CULPRiT BECAUSE HE WANTED THE CLOSE FRiENDS TO KiLL EACH OTHER. DYiNG." ~_~;; ALLCAPS TWEETS JUST LOOK BIZARRE. (btw, I was talking about the Bistro SMAP with Mukai Osamu which was brilliant and should be watched. it's subbed over here.) So yes, my annoyance level for my already failing laptop has risen exponentially and my desire for a new laptop is also at an all time high. That said, I have no cash for this until next year. ://// Well, at least copypasta still works, right? (baring that, i do still have the stupid on-screen keyboard. sigh.)

iii. Like hell I won't pimp this. JOIN GUYS. JOINJOIN. we need more non-arashi people omg, why are there so many arashi requests! even though i can't speak since i contributed to that as well adlkfajskldfj--well in requesting that is. a;sdlfjkalskdjfkljsdf

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iv. I have so many pictures to post up and my semagic is failing me by not automatically uploading them. ://// i wonder if something's wrong with it. o.o

v. i have nothing left that i want to talk about other than my sheer exhaustion and how strange i've been feeling lately. kind of like... idk, ennui? like i've just been trudging day in and day out with nothing to look forward to. i need goals, i think. i just have this job and life and it's just ugh, annoyance. i almost wish i was still in school because at least there was something to strive towards--GRADUATING. i almost miss it too--the studying, the books, sometimes the papers, but largely people. it's rough seeing the same people day in and day out without much variety--i miss making friends, gaining new ones, having jokes and all that stuff. i kind of feel a little lonely nowadays. ://///

i'm pimping my own stuff, i am not usually this teary, technology = fail, where's this money coming from?, work tires me out, rambling is what i'm good at, i am really boring srry

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