[#040] I Feel Like It's Been A While.

Feb 11, 2009 23:22

Even though it's only been half a week.

i. The past four days have been kind of stressful. School-wise, that is. In just the last three few days I had to finish three books one after the other. The only one that I haven't yet is The Scarlet Letter but 1) I only had 5 chapters left and I kinda skimmed them, 2) I read enough to write the short response I needed, 3) it was impressive enough that I got as far as I got when I only started reading on Tuesday itself. XD In just 3 weeks (okay, 1 and a half really because I didn't get the books until after the first week of classes and it's only halfway into the third week), I have finished reading 3 3/4 books. Frankenstein, Snow Country, A New England Tale and The Scarlet Letter. Not to mention various short stories and "Ten Nights of Dreams." as;dlrjasdkfmalskd;j SO MUCH READING wtf. Also, my Astro professor said in the middle of class yesterday that the textbook is essentially useless and his notes are better. .........Please to shoot me. That textbook was over 100 bucks. FUCK YOU. SAY THAT AT THE BEGINNING DAMNIT THEN I WON'T HAVE TO WASTE MONEY. NOT PLEASED.

ii. re: Matsujun's newest drama. ....1) AHAHAAHAHA. HALF FILIPINO. The words are what. The. Fuck. (If there's going to be anything filipino in the drama, I will be extra critical. Just saying.) 2) ......No, just AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH. 3) Arashi doing the theme song. Taking bets. I am betting yes. 4) I like Peyton's reaction of "OMG KAMI WRITE ME LOVE TRIANGLE PIYUI/MATSUJUN!!!! adjknskjghsfjh"
(Not relating to the drama, but I didn't mention on LJ yet that I totally show up in the Zoom in Super of Sho in NYCC. I mean, I'm in the background, but still. I LOLED when I saw myself. I don't even want to cap it because I'm half embarrassed. And I lol too hard to actually take the time to cap it.)

iii. Turning Japanese: The Seedy Underworld of Music Moguls. Guess who that's about? (I am a bit amused at the choices of groups as well as the junior they mentioned. XD)

iv. I was in the mood to read manga today so besides random oneshots, I picked up Mitsuru Adachi's Hiatari Ryoko. I've read a bunch of his stuff already: Touch, Rough, H2 to name a few. So I totally like his stuff. But WTF, I enjoyed it until the very end. Then I wanted to shoot someone. Or find fic. Either or. Just not a satisfying ending. I was wondering by the third volume after all these oneshot kinda chapters how they were going to end the damn triangle. Turns out, ha! They weren't.

(Right click + View image = Original Size)

I have been waiting for a Yamapi reference for like EVER. :DDDDDDDDD

P.S. My sister stopped by home for... well, something and the guy that was driving her was just standing around and noticed that on my screen, I'd been reading manga. The guy has the audacity to ask me why I'm reading something so childish. I was like... uh. well, no, not childish. And blahblah. I just didn't like him. At all. Get out of my room and stop pestering me with annoying questions. (Thankfully he left 5 minutes later with my sister. D:) What an asswipe. What kind of comment is that. Even if a few minutes later you say you're joking.


Reliable Realists are down-to-earth and responsible-minded. They are precise, reserved and demanding. Their most prominent quality is reliability and they will always make every effort to keep any promise given. Reliable Realists are more quiet and serious persons, they do not talk a lot but they are good listeners. They sometimes seem reserved and distant to outsiders although they often have a great deal of wit and esprit. Their strong points are thoroughness, a marked sense of justice, doggedness bordering on pigheadedness and a pragmatic, vigorous and purposeful manner. Reliable Realists do not dither about if something has to be done. They do what is necessary without wasting words.

This personality type not only expects a lot of himself but also of others. Once Reliable Realists have set their mind on something, it is difficult to persuade them otherwise. They do not like to leave anything to chance. Planning means safety to Reliable Realists, as well as order and discipline. They have no problem respecting authorities and hierarchies but do not like to delegate tasks. They are certain that others would not deal with them as conscientiously as they do. In management positions, they are very task-oriented - they make sure that things are well done; however, they do not have a great deal of interest in personal contacts at work.
In relationships too, Reliable Realists are reliability itself. As partners, they are faithful and consistent, well-balanced and sensible. Security and stability are very important to them. They have little time for extravagances and flightiness. Whoever has them as friend or partner can rely on them for a lifetime. However, it takes quite a while for Reliable Realists to enter into a relationship or friendship. They have little need for social contacts; they therefore take great care when choosing partners and friends and limit themselves to a small but exclusive circle which meets their high demands. They tend to show their closeness to people who are important to them by deeds - their partner should rather not expect romantic declarations of love.

Adjectives which describe your type
introverted, practical, logical, planning, tradition-conscious, organised, persistent, objective, tidy, conscientious, cautious, loyal, peace-loving, sensible, down-to-earth, responsible-minded, reserved, careful, independent, punctual, precise, demanding, ability to concentrate, trustworthy, pedantic, reliable, persevering

school's a bitch, i have too much free time, school is a torture device, arashi was the original member ai, je has taken over my brain, i like linking to shit, i am fucking crazy, i am a fail student, meme whore at work, why are people so stupid?

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