[#025] Randomest Assortment of Points.

Jan 26, 2009 17:21

i. Random comments.
- Everyone's comments to my last post were amazing. Like seriously, I have the nicest friends and I love you all. I have read pretty much every comment four or five times. XD It was just really nice of people to read that rant and then comment. It made everything a little easier to deal with. (Well, not really, but I'm not as angry. I think getting it out really helped.) So again, thanks. I really, really appreciated it. You don't even know.
- I told my mom today about going to Comicon on Feb.6th. Just in preparation because they're not working that day and I just wanted to be sure that nothing important would go on. I tried not to explain too much because I'm sure that if I said this was for fandom or whatever, her disapproval rating would go up the roof. I still had to tell her the fact that I'm in a podcast about Japanese Entertainment and that I got a press pass. I explained at least THAT much. Her words to me? "Don't do drugs." ...*headdesk*
- I went out Saturday with C and Sh for Sh's REALLY BELATED birthday celebration. Since it was for her b-day, we told her to choose where we'd go. So we ended up going to this place in Brooklyn called Grimaldi's that's apparently the best pizza in New York City. So she's heard, anyway. I haven't heard a single thing about that.) So we go relatively early-ish. 4 in the afternoon, near 5. Guys. There was a fucking LINE. We were on said LINE for over 30 minutes. In the cold. Freezing cold. We watched as people in twos or fours kept getting tables, and WE DIDN'T GET A SINGLE ONE. WE WAITED FOR LIKE EVER. Then we finally get inside. First of all, we're three people. Three people sitting in what is obviously a TWO PERSON TABLE. And all around us are three people sitting in FOUR people tables. It was just ridiculous. To top it off, the pizza? Not that great. Maybe a 5/10. WHEN WARM. When it's cold, the cheese went hard and it was like biting into rubber. >.> Did not appreciate. It really wasn't that great. I would like to say that we polished off two larges among three people. That is what you say as awesome.
- We also went to karaoke where we managed to smuggle in alcohol. lol At first the guy saw the bag (omg, we had to get our IDs checked at the door. "If you didn't have your ID, I wouldn't have believed it." Guess who he's talking about.) and was like, I'd check that because, you know, people have been sneaking in alcohol. And that's just FOOD, right? I was the one holding it. Like hell I was gonna be, yes it is. Go ahead and TAKE IT AWAY. Of course I lied. XD Either ways, we were very careful in drinking our drinks. lol I bet we were obvious, but whatever. It was funny. And because we WERE so careful, we had two bottles of Smirnoff Ice left that I ended up sneaking home where both AR and I polished it off. lol Amused.
- Sometimes, I think I'm too understanding. I feel like Koyama.
- LOL. So I was going downstairs to put away some laundry to be washed and as I was moving, my mom randomly says out of nowhere, "I saw your Facebook." Fucking hell. Of course I did a double take. Then we proceeded to get into a conversation about Facebook and she tried pestering me about her friending me. Or friending my sister. Or how many friends my sister has. I was seriously like, ohmygod. Twilight zone. OR SOMETHING. Just like, wow. Weird.
- I managed to finish four dramas and three drama specials this entire month, I realized. I mean, that's not terribly impressive. Not completely. But seriously, that's a lot of hours. Not to mention there's a movie in there and an entire anime. lol And all the dramas I have started. (Speaking of. I watched the first episode of Kami no Shizuku and while I totally enjoyed it, when they got to the wine expressing scene, I was ready to start mocking people. >.> I kinda hate when people do that. Also, wanted to smack the bitch of a daughter for her comment towards her dad. That is not the kind of shit you say, okay. And yes, as Peyton said. I am so a daddy's girl. So I'm biased. XD) But basically, I'm like watching about 8 dramas this season, give or take two or three because of subs. XD Where is my life?

ii. Was watching a random promotional clip from Nobuta wo Produce and they had this riddle. I totally didn't figure it out so if you haven't seen the clip, here's the riddle!
NEWS = 1 (in order words, NEWS has one of these)
V6 = ?
How many does V6 have? :D

iii. Fic Recs
- Everything (It's You) by saturnianlove. Pin! Where Yamapi's a girl. It's AU just in case you were worried. XD It's beautifully written and just a really nice growing together of Yamapi and Jin. ♥♥ I love the growth between the two and the smattering of other JE people. I mean, we had Toma/Yamapi, Koyama/Yamapi, and Jin/N-Maki. ♥
- Shige Doesn't Need A Girlfriend; He's Got NEWS by the_suit_case. NEWS/PERFUME. Or in this case, Shige/Perfume member. lol. Shige/Nocchi!! ♥ although, lol, also a lot of Shige/NewS. ♥♥ Luna's pretty much the ONLY person who will ever write NEWS/PERFUME (sadly), but she does it so well!!! ♥♥♥ (She wrote another NEWS/PERFUME fic that I don't remember if I recced, so if you haven't read it, you should. :D)
There's probably been more good fic, but I kept x-ing out tabs and can't remember what I missed. XD So just go out and seek. XD

iv. Random Picspam that I uploaded ages ago...

Doesn't she just look nice? :D I seriously like that haircut on Maki.

I just like how Shibasaki Kou and Keiko look in this picture. lol

Baby Ohno and Aiba!! AWWWWW.

I liked her outfit.

And hers.

And Becky just looks awesome. Although I still can't figure out what she's wearing. An over-sized shirt? o.o

v. Okay, this last point is a little weird. XD So way back when, I loved this Sailor Moon site called Suburban Senshi which you could say was like fanfiction but not. The idea was that the outer scouts and select other people (Jadeite, Saturn's professor father, I think Andrew/Motoki was in there) interacted on the internet through IRC. Well, this was also the time when I was way into IRC (yes, I totally was), and so I started a fic (again, kind of) where I had Usagi and Luna talking on IRC after an episode. OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT. Ignoring the fact that, well, couldn't be possible, and, of course, Usagi would totally not be that good on computers. Ignoring those logistical things, lol, this is what I came up with. Lol. I came across the file recently, so I was like, eh, why not. It's ridiculous but what am I going to do with it? Might as well post it up.

Episode 1: The Crybaby Usagi’s Beautiful Transformation

***Now Talking In #LoveJustice
***Topic is ‘Tuxedo Kamen-sama’

*** serene_lune [BunnyOnTheMoon@moonbase.co.jp] has joined #LoveJustice
Luna! Luna! Where are you?
Mou! After I rushed during dinner so I could get here on time… She took off time from my food!
*** @MztrizKiti [srntyadvisor@mauplanet.co.jp] has joined #Lovejustice
Luna! There you are! You had me waiting!
<@MztrizKiti> Well, I’m sorry that me being a minute late has done harm. *dryly* Forgive me, your HIGHNESS.
*serene_lune huffs angrily
You don’t have to be sarcastic with me! Anyway, why did you have to make me come here and talk?
I mean, you could just talk with me in my room.
<@MztrizKiti> Usagi… I can’t stay in your room all the time. I need to do some research after all.
Research? For what?
*@MztrizKiti sighs…
<@MztrizKiti> You really don’t listen, do you Usagi?
<@MztrizKiti> Usagi?
<@MztrizKiti> Usagi, where are you?
Ah… That was good.
USAGI! Where did you go?
Eh? Oh, uh… was just eating some of the dessert… It was SOOOOO good! ^_^
<@MztrizKiti> Mou! I need to tell you more about your mission!
Yes yes… I’m Sailor Moon. I fight for love and justice. I meet up with the great Tuxedo Kamen-sama who sweeps me into his arms…
*serene_lune sighs happily…
<@MztrizKiti> Oh, Usagi… I’ll talk to you about this later…


Episode 2: I’ll punish you! The fortune house is a youma’s mansion

***Now talking in #LoveJustice
***Topic is ‘Fortune’

***MztrizKiti [SrntyAdvisor@mauplanet.co.jp] has joined #LoveJustice

Winner: serene_lune Answer: Venus Time: 15.463 Streak: 3 Points: 26 WPM: 6 Rank: 1st
Are you playing trivia again?
But it's so much fun! Space is soooo cool!
27. How many moons did Galileo find that rotate around Jupiter?
Usagi... Now is NOT the time...
Winner: serene_lune Answer: 4 Time: 5.496 Streak: 4 Points: 27 WPM: 15 Rank: 1st
Yay! ^_^
-_- !trivia stop
Luna! That isn't fair! I mean... what's the harm in me playing a little trivia after all?
When you stop LISTENING to me... Yes, it IS quite a problem
*serene_lune pouts
Don't you DARE say you were listening
I was no-
*serene_lune sighs... fine
Look... I know you're fairly new at this but...
You nearly forgot...
1) your own transformation phrase..
2) your ATTACK!
Well it's not my fault that it's so difficult
I mean, who'd remember the phrase "Moon Prism Power, Make-Up!"
*serene_lune transforms
Oh... Didn't think that would happen if I typed it...
Uh.. Yes?
So DEtransform!
Um... how do I go about doing that again?
***MztrizKiti [SrntyAdvisor@mauplanet.co.jp] has quit IRC (Going to shred some clothing)
***serene_lune [BunnyOnTheMoon@moonbase.co.jp] has quit IRC (Gotta figure this out soon!)


Episode 3: The mysterious sleeping disease, protect the young girl’s loving heart

***Now talking in #LoveJustice
***Topic is ‘RaDiO’

Oh…. What should I write? ♪LuNa?♪
Usagi, you have more important things to worry about. Like your next mission?
Mission? I have a mission?
Isn’t the fact that your teacher just fell asleep during class worry you at all?
Haruna-sensei? She does things like that all the time…
****RadioJD*[JaDeD@dking.co.jp] has entered #LoveJustice
What the…?!
<*RadioJD*> Are you bad when it comes to love?
<*RadioJD*> Do you have someone you love whom you just can’t tell how you feel?
Wait! Who ARE you?
How’d you even find this channel?
<*RadioJD*> Do you have words you want to say but don’t know how to put them together?
<*RadioJD*> If you answered yes to the three questions…
*serene_lune has!
<*RadioJD*> Then send a letter to me, Jay Daito, the DJ of Midnight Zero. I’ll grant your love wishes.
<*RadioJD*> Goodbye ladies, and may your love wishes be fulfilled.
****RadioJD* [JaDeD@dking.co.jp] has left #LoveJustice
*serene_lune squeals
Oh wow! It was Jay Daito! ♥_♥
Huh… He went into EVERY channel that had the word ‘love’ in it…
I definitely have to write a letter now!
They’re REALLY trying to promote this radio program… But why?
*serene_lune thinks…
This really needs to be checked up on.
That’s it! I’ll go talk to him.. Face to face!
Usagi! Have you really been listening to me??
*serene_lune ignores MztrizKiti
He’ll definitely be able to give me advice in writing a letter!
***serene_lune [BunnyOnTheMoon@moonbase.co.jp] has quit IRC (Must head off to the radio station!)
Oh Usagi…. *sighs*

***serene_lune [BunnyOnTheMoon@moonbase.co.jp] has entered #LoveJustice
So what now?
I can’t believe it! APPARENTLY it doesn’t exist! I mean, from what station is it coming from then?!
Huh… That is kind of odd.
OH! That guard did not know what he was talking about!
Uh? I’m guessing it was on that station…

Usagi… Look….
So this is how it’s going to be…
Well yes…
Many of my friends will be affected in one way or another…
It’s my fault.
Look Usagi… It is NOT your fault!
If you say so…
***serene_lune [BunnyOnTheMoon@moonbase.co.jp] has quit IRC (Feeling horrible…)
Usagi… I’m sorry…

Episode 4: Usagi will teach you! The way to get slim.

***Now talking in #LoveJustice
***Topic is ‘FATTY! T_T’

How could you draw that picture of me?!
*serene_lune wails!
*MztrizKiti sighs
I mean, I ALREADY know I’m gaining weight
You don’t have to throw it in my face!
*MztrizKiti grins…
I wouldn’t dare lie! ^_^
***serene_lune [BunnyOnTheMoon@moonbase.co.jp] has left #LoveJustice (I am NOT fat)

P.S. I just thought, if my mom ever joined LJ (she says she has a friendster), I would freak. Granted, I don't go by my real name, but STILL. >.>

i have too much free time, random is my middle name, new york isn't always fun, picspam, my friends are completely awesome, arashi was the original member ai, my parents are crazy, je has taken over my brain, technology = fail, my girl crush on horikita maki grows, my familiy's weirder than yours, sailor moon was my first love, i am a cold-hearted bitch, wth is wrong with my writing

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