Just possibly.
I mean, after you see things like this:
Click to view
repeatedly and can't stop laughing each time, and watch
Dr. Horrible Sing-Along Blog. It's just. ;aslkdjfalksdj He is such love. :DDDD (Also, Dr. Horrible? Cheesiest thing possible, but I couldn't help but love it in the three acts that it existed. Nathan Fillion was just fucking hilarious, I have to add as well. From the first minute on, I was just dying. Sadly, you can't watch it on the site anymore. :\\\\)
Yeah, I don't really have much of substance to post about. I'm heading out today since it's Restaurant Week in New York, and my friends and I are checking out this Hawaiian place (Hawaiian of all things). I'm wearing
this dress and possibly,
these shoes. Hopefully, it won't rain today.
In other "news," still need more topics for the alphabet meme! Missing letters C, G, L, Q, X, Z. lol Last three are like the hardest letters, but XP I'm sure you guys can manage.
Also, in other news. I think I'm back in the subbing world. :DDD Happy, happy news, indeed.