[#87] Since it's been a WEEK since my last substance post...

Jul 18, 2008 12:08

...That means this one will be overloaded.

i. The reason I have been withholding from posting is because I was insistent that I would finish off my memes without falling behind in comments.a ;ldjaslkdfjalsjdf AND HAY. I DID IT. And for your prizes... Here are links. :D

- NewS as Pirates for blood_opal
- NewS in High School for blood_opal
- Ohkura, Shige, and Taguchi at a maid cafe for boycottbananas
- Yamapi turns into Takki's cat for procreational
- NewS as doctors for wanderingreen
- Tegoshi and Massu are love rain Gods, matchmaking Jin and Rina (mildly het, I guess) for cynicalism
- JE!Emelan, Part 2, Attempt at Happy to make up for Angst in the first two for acchikocchi
- Yamapi and Jin as Leaders of Rival Gangs (Except not really) for kuroiusagi93
- KAT-TUN as Knights Protecting Princess Pi for maya_morning
- My own AU - Yamapi is still a Johnny, Jin is an Office Worker for shatteredinu
- Tegoshi is Harry Potter. Enough said. forcyncialism
- College AU, one established by Cyn and I - KAT-TUN and NewS get together and get wasted for cynicalism
- NewS never existed, a sad thought, I know for cynicalism (You know who to blame for this)
- Prompt was someone getting wet, I made that into NewS owns a fair for quinnsan
- Ryo/Tego in Attention Please for takenoko
- Oh god, JE!Sailor Scouts - Yamapi is Sailor Moon, go from there for 4_03_am
- Yamapi and Shige go undercover as Shigeko and Pinku-kun for 4_03_am
- Yamapi is Iron Chef for 4_03_am
- Jin is Yamapi's six-year-old son's piano teacher where the son's a bit of a brat for 4_03_am
- FULL version of Maki as a runaway bride, Massu is a waiter in the cafe she enters for cynicalism
At this point, I'm just so so SO glad to have this finished. a;sdlfkjaslkdfj Other than the Massu/Maki being finished, expect love!rain!Gods!Tegomass to be finished because Cyn insists. And probably more of Shigeko and Pinku-san, because I'm just totally amused by them. XP

And my 100 Word Meme:
- Ryopi, off the beaten path for sanctified_x
- Shigepi, Pi wants to celebrate Shige's birthday, but can't get away from the Code Blue set for xarwenz
- Koki/Kame, based on a picture for maya-morning
- Tego/Shige, math for mintchoc
- Ohkura/Shige/Taguchi, strawberry ice cream and/or pool parties for boycottbananas
- ...Jin and Kame, totally not Akame (ihu Nikki), prompt was mangos (Cyn's fault) for anamuan
- Koyashige, j-web confessions for kisekiga
- MatsuJun/Inoue Mao/Oguri Shun, sensibility for procreational
- Shuuji/Akira, swimming and Ryoda, beach for partypaprika
- Koyashige, swings and no shoes forquinnsan
- Jin/Ohkura, forget gravity for purebloodqueen
- Ryo/Lindsay - do ignore this one, Ryo/Shige, Kurosaki/Tsurara, it's the little things that mean the most for bitofpixiedust
They should all be 100 words (except for one that I already know I cheated through), however if any aren't... Do blame the word count website, because lol, I don't actually... count the words. XP Otherwise, enjoy~

- Last Monday, I hung out with my friend C after having brought my grandmother to the Philippine Embassy which sadly involved a lot more walking than I (more her than I) would've liked. :\\\\ Still, she is getting her passport renewed and... Um... yeah, that's it. C and I spent most of the afternoon (after she got off work) eating food - JAPANESE - Yay, I love that I'm spreading this bytheby, and then to Pinkberry where I got a smoothie and she got yogurt, and we just walked around the city. It had been such a nice day. *________________* Good temperature to walk around without feeling like you were getting killed by the heat.

*outside a kid's clothing store* (M is for me.)
M: You know, that looks like it'd be a really cute librarian outfit.
C: Yes, for a headless, armless, legless, stick of a thing, that would make a cute librarian.

*C leant against the table so she had marks on her arm*
M: What's up with your arm?
C: I cut myself, Desiree. Just so I could feel.

*later, the bag I was carrying made a mark on my arm*
C: Do you cut yourself too? So you can feel?

There was a repetition of her and dogs and how she'd do them that's a recurring joke between us, but I can't seem to remember the specific details. Just know that it was funny. XP

- Nobody's going to care about this but I've started subbing for ryuu_rogue for Digimon. ;alskdjflkasjdf I don't wanna tell you guys how fucking excited I am. XP

- Last week, I got one of the WEIRDEST VOICE MAILS EVER. For one thing, not only did my phone go automatically to voice mail, but the message was from someone whom I don't think knew was leaving a message. It sounded like a mother reading to her child - a Spongebob book - and it didn't start at the very beginning but somewhere towards the middle. I was so weirded out. s;ldjaksjdfaieruaslkjdf I didn't even recognize the voice.

- cynicalism: i want jupiter feeling chibimoon now but ignore me.
(In my AU where Jupiter is Massu and Tegoshi is Chibi Moon)

- tinyangl: where did all the CHILDREN come from
cynicalism: ....LOL.
cynicalism: well, when a mommy and daddy love each other, kami...
(talking about the end of season 2 for Digimon)

- Thursday: First JE Dream, and I'm still creepy fangirl. ...That basically sums it all up. But if you want SPECIFICS, I guess...
1) Kusano was randomly in the Bronx when I went to bring my brother to the doctor. Looking for some place. I offered to help and he was insistent he do it himself. Like some sort of training or whatever. I was like, "Fine, you can do it yourself. But this is the Bronx." Then left him alone. (To his death, according to Cyn.)
2) At one point, the dream switched tracks and I remember being on stage with NEWS at concert. a;alkdfjalskjdfoiewrulkdsj And they were like, "Hey! For all her hard work, we'd like to thank-" And then I wake up.... in the dream. And it turns out that I'd been watching their concert DVD at home, which looked like the apartment living room, I have to add, and it was like 7:25 am or something in the morning. And yes. ... All in all, still made of fail. T.T

iii. Memes!
Post a screencap of your desktop and tag five other people to do the same.
Just snagged this from various people.

♥ People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

♥ Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.
I don't care enough to tag people. Was tagged by cynicalism who did it just so I'd post. She be so devious. XP

01. How has LJ changed your life?
Oh LJ. Let me count the ways. For serious though? I've met some of the most amazing people on LJ. Hell, I met someone who I talk to online. This was a first for me. asldkfjalskjdflk Plus, fuck, I can't even begin to say all the new things I've started because of being on LJ and in this fandom. Subbing. Maintaining comms (who the hell gave me responsibility?). Starting up a podcast (asd;flkasjdlfkjasldrjioapsfj life's dream, scratch that off the list). Writing more and more (fic or otherwise).

02. What do you do before bedtime?
...After my love letter to LJ, it probably won't surprise anyone if I say... bumming around LJ.

03. What are you going to have for dinner tonight?
Considering how I'm writing this at 4 in the morning, I am planning today's meal will center around some kind of restaurant food. Probably eating out. Hey. Wonder if I can convince my friends to go to Bubba Gump's. .... Hmmm....

04. What is the ONE place you want to go before you die if you had the money and the time? And let's keep it to somewhere on the Earth for now, shall we?
HA. Easy answer. Japan. I've wanted this for like ever. My dad even made a promise with me that if I go through graduate school, he'll pay for my trip and half of my spendings. ...Of course, that was back when I was a math major and would (in their eyes) be making much more money. So who knows if that'll still hold true. XP

05. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
Extrovert, HA. I'm like the shyest person you'll ever meet. I know, shock. But yes. Introvert = me. :\\\\\ Much to my mother's dislike, sadly. Now she and my sister A? Total extroverts. I'm like my father (occasionally, anyway) and sister S. Especially S. XP

06. What do you do in your free time?
....Ugh. LJ. Maybe write, if I'm not all writer blocky, watch lots of videos (and television). And recently read manga (maybe read a book if I'm in the mood).

07. Do you trust easily?
Questionable. :\\\ I have different levels. That's the simple answer. The long answer is no. lol Or is that simple too? It takes me a very long time to trust people with my secrets, my emotions, because I always feel like I'm troubling them, annoying them. However, I do believe in the people that I talk to, because I know I could tell them. I just prefer not to. ...Um, kinda. Somewhat. I'm confusing myself.

08. What personal belonging do you have with you everywhere you go?
Cell phone. I-pod. Wallet. Those are really the three things that I must have. Lately though, I have like a fixed bag so it has everything I need/want in it. Which is nowadays, lip gloss. Mirror. Keys. A small spiral notebook. Occasionally a book. And some pens and pencils. XP I'm very pack-whorey and my shoulder bag's kinda "big."

09. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
Not really. I mean, I occasionally get into these moods, but I blame it on the heat than anything else. Central air =/= air conditioning. :\\\\

10. What is your best quality?
My obnoxious boring. ...Oh wait, best is positive, right? Um. That ....I am easy?

11. Is being tagged fun?
Yeah! :D Sometimes I like being tagged for memes, because otherwise... ...well, I'd do them anyway, probably. But I just like being named. It's the attention whore side of me.

12. How do you see yourself?
Obnoxiously boring. Haven't we covered this already? lol Petite filipina who is ambitious every now and then. More now than then. *laughs*

13. If you could be anyone for one day, who would you be?
God. I don't even know. ....hey, God. I'd like to be God for a day, then come back and be like, WOW. Thank God I don't have his job. And then go on with my hopelessly mundane life. Thnx.

14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
Cyn? I think nothing of her.

...If you believed that, none of you have been paying attention to my LJ at all. She is the tea to my kettle. Enough said. (Ryo to my Shige if that makes things easier, I guess.)

15. Would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?
...Now define poor. Because my parents say we're poor (and I call bull) but hell, if we're their kind of poor, then married and poor. Also, please tell me we actually love each other, because it'd suck to be married, poor and hate my marriage 100%.

16. How many children do you want to have, if any?
Two is my goal. A girl and a boy. lol Although you never know what happens when you aim for children of opposite sexes. I mean, my parents did it for years and got three girls, and the boy was an accident. XP

17. What's better to give or to receive?
....I wanna say give, but I'd be lying. As much as I love giving - the reactions, guys, the REACTIONS are awesome - I totally love receiving. a;sldkfjalskdrieojdsklfj I am really selfish, I'm sorry. XP

18. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
Um. ....Crap. Well, if this goes anything like a romantic comedy, the person I was meant to be with? ...*cheats*

19. Would you have 100% safe sex with a stranger for £10,000,000?
Not at all. :\\\ Unless I'm drunk and he's really hot and I want some. Then I may bend.

20. What were your parents going to name you if you'd been born the opposite gender?
...You know, the Desiree may have been the same. Maybe minus an e. But who knows. My dad named me. lol ...Kinda. My name got screwed up over the phone. *dies* Desiree Angelie from Angelique Desiree. Now which one sounds better? I wonder if my name screw-up was why my dad came to the states. *shot*

iv. Like I said before, lately I've been reading manga and well...
- @jadedfrenzy. I hate you for reccing me an ongoing manga. asldfkjaslkdruaisodfjlk;j (Also, way to rub it in that you live in Europe. T.T Although, man, that postcard was pretty. *_____________________*) But um, for all those not in the know, I have been obsessed over Gakuen Alice for the past couple of days, going through the entire manga - that which I could - and spazzing when I realized that SHIT, it's still ongoing and asldkfjalksjdflk I actually have to wait for this stuff. That said, I kinda all sorts of love it, and can't wait for more. My shipper's hat goes crazy when I read it though. lolol and when it comes to the two main characters, I have to stop and go as;dkjflkasur;dlkj THEY'RE SO YOUNG. Then realize that, ugh, it just can't be helped sometimes. I think Natsume is the most jackass-y kid ever. And would like to smack him senseless. XP Except for some reason, he's somehow endearing in his jackassiness. I don't know how the kid manages, but he does. DAMN him. XPPP
- And cynicalism has been dying to get me into Shaman King (even though I've read it about two or three times before, but never finished). And I've had that thing sitting in my hard drive for like ages, until I started reading it after finishing Gakuen Alice. (I was itching for another manga to read.) And um, just know that in one day, I went from volume 11 to volume 25. al;skjdrioasdflkj ADDICTING. I couldn't stop reading. Except, lol, I was like, people just keep dying and coming back like nothing. It's like Dragonball Z all over again! XP That said, I really like it and the characters and constantly making fun of useless!Manta. I love the boy, but towards the end, you're like, oh! Manta was there. Huh. To be fair, I'm not done yet but as;lkdjfalksrulkdsjf Almost. ALMOST. saf;kduj (Also, because Cyn's funny like that, lol, she totally was telling me how JE!Shaman King would go, and that it should totally be written. And I agreed. And it is now a prompt at the Massu-thon which means someone should go write it so I don't have to. XP)

v. Last night, I started to get this really sharp pain in my wrist that made it really hard to sleep. I had hoped that sleeping it off, it'd go away, except it didn't because as we speak, I still have that annoying sharp pain. :\\\\ Ugh. No likie. :\\\\\

gakuen alice, hironori kusano, bread and whine, i have too much free time, subbing, i ask for favors, i attempt writing, shaman king, rambling is what i'm good at, my friends are completely awesome, my comedy is twisted, i am fucking crazy, new york is loads of fun, meme whore at work, too many tags for no reason, talk about lame, perverted talk is the best, je has taken over my brain, technology = fail, i like linking to shit, digimon = my childhood, cyn totally made me

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