[#75] Grrrrr.

Mar 04, 2008 08:15

i. So it's been... about a little under a year since I've gotten my most recent headphones. They were so flipping awesome and I loved them and ohmygod, so awesome. Right? So the past two days, I've been attacked by little shocks of electricity. And yesterday, I had this BIG one. Like, serious pain. :\\\\ And then bam. This morning, my left headphone wouldn't work unless I twisted the cord in the right direction. I am so not happy about this development. :\\\\ This means I have to get new headphones again. T.T as;dlfkjasldkj Hopefully, I can get the same ones because really, I do love the headphones I have now. Just have to stop with the electricity shocking bit. Do not like.

ii. I have had the song Sorafune by Tokio stuck in my head. I've now had it on repeat for the past night. *laughs* Which is appropriate, I guess, with Tegoshi now rumored to be dating Aragaki Yui. ♥♥♥♥

iii. So I was looking at my "school bible" where it has the classes I have to take for majors. I kept around both math and english criterias, just out of curiosity, I'm sure. :X But um, it's funny how in my math major... I'm literally just starting out. Like this semester, I'm taking 3 classes towards my major. Just starting out. Yet, here's the funniest part. If I were to have an English major, a creative writing one, I'm already 1/3 the way there. I took most of the creative writing classes already and have mainly literature classes left. Um. I'm deathly amused with my own randomness. ~_~ (On another note, I was looking at the literature classes they offer, and how awesome is it they have a class dedicated to The Vampire - An exploration of certain ideas of evil in Western literature. There are also a Satire and Science Fiction and The Political Novel classes. Awesome choices, school~)

iv. Translation of certain parts of Yamapi's Jounetsu Tairiku. This seriously only made me more and more excited to see the entire thing subbed. Like whoa. The lines she chose to translate just made me go all a;lsdkfjasdf over Yamapi (even more so than usual). Seeing the depths of an idol's mind is always fascinating. Especially someone like Yamapi who's gone through a bunch of shit. :\\\\ I feel bad for him sometimes. But I hope he's happy with where his life's gone now.

v. Podcast Pimp! I should do this more often, or get other people to tell me what podcasts are good because I love listening to these things. I mean, I rely on them when I get around, because I can't stand not having my I-pod on when I'm by myself and moving around. Anyway. The most recent episode of Grammar Girl was awesome, guys. Apparently, March 4 is National Grammar Day! ....Oh wait, that's today. Huh. Didn't even realize.

...Appropriate that I post this today then. *laughs* Didn't even plan it that way! Anyway, her most recent podcast was Top Ten Grammar Myths! So everyone should check it out~ Or the entire podcast, because I seriously love this podcast. :DDDD That's it from me!

(Seriously, you guys must be getting so sick of me. lololol)

yamapi is so adorable, am i really a math major?, reccing those who deserve it, je boys have a life you know, yamapi is a blabber-mouth, je has taken over my brain, technology = fail, writer's block makes me cry, i like linking to shit, i am a fail student

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