[#74] When School Is Being Particularly Stressful...

Mar 04, 2008 01:25

I post more. I think there's a go figure there. *laughs*

i. I love my friends like whoa. :D Today, we had some of the most awesome conversations ever. A lot coming from Kashfi, but then again, I spent like the last two hours of the day with him. *laughs* So that's on my mind more than anything else. I found it awesome when he said we should have our own radio show, because I did start that podcast. Go figure on the timing. :DDD But hell, I'm not against it. I will so sneak into school with a tape recorder and just record our conversations. Because getting it down on text is just not the same. Like me trying to rewrite what he said about the smokestack and boners, it's just not possible. Especially when it needs a little bit of context. lolol.

ii. So I took two tests today. Differential Equations and Linear Algebra. It's funny though. I was mildly surprised at my Differential Equations one, because um... well, at the very last second, I finally understood how to do something. Like seriously. last second. And they were the middle problems too. (Oh, I should mention DE had 6 questions and LA had 4 questions. :\\\\\\) So like, I understood 1/3 of the questions for DE, maybe 1/2 if I'm being positive. One I couldn't finish, because I had no frigging idea but had started so... possibly a little bit of partial credit? And then the last two.... :\\\\ Word problems. I think I got the gist but I was probably missing a massive amount of steps. ~_~;;

And Linear Algebra. LOLOLOLOL. Oh man. This class. Everyone knows how I've been harping about how easy this class is. Then I started worrying that the reason it's so easy in class is because my prof choses the easy questions. Because the questions in the textbook are so not as easy. And dude, I was right to worry. 4 questions. The highest is a 50, but still. I couldn't answer the first question at all and it was worth 10 points. :\\\ that's already an 80 right there. And I know I got 1/3 of a question wrong. :\\\\\ So um. Yeah. I don't have the highest hopes for LA. :\\\\\ Damn.

I did get a whole bunch of studying done for Advanced Calc, surprisingly. I went back and started from the beginning again and started studying all over again. For like the 5th time with that fucking book. I'd like to say that I understood things a little more. But I keep saying that, then I take tests and I get proven completely wrong. :\\\\\ So um. I'm holding out hope until I take the test and see how badly I crash and burn.

iii. I wanna do so many things, but I don't have the time till Thursday. :\\\\ I still haven't written anything for the meme, even though I'm dying to write a couple. I don't have the time to watch Yamapi on Tokyo Friend Park II. EVEN THOUGH I'M DYING TO SEE IT. ASD;FLKAJSDFLKJ I MEAN THAT SHOW IS SO FRIGGING AWESOME. :DDDDDDDDDD And um. There are a couple of memes circulating that I totally wanna do. One of which I'll have here too. *laughs* Only because I can't help myself and it doesn't involve all that much work on my part. *is horrible*

iv. I mentioned before that I made a wallpaper of the shoot with Yamapi and the looking out the window. I'm a total attention whore because even though I said it's for my own use, I'm posting it here for anyone to take. *laughs*

Take if you'd like~ It's rather simple, and I really didn't do much. The most I did was get rid of the text in the upper left corner. *laughs* Either ways. Um. Enjoy. No real rules other than please don't claim as your own. *laughs*

v. Now the real reason I posted. XPPPPP
Snagged from acchikocchi~ <3333
The thing is, when people look for stories, they always make it sound like badfic. Now, often that's because it really is badfic, but sometimes it's good and they just suck at describing the story.

So, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to summarize badly anyone (or more!) of my stories and I'll try to guess which it is. You could even pretend you don't remember the pairing or fandom to make it harder to guess.

Wheeee~ Have at it. korette_destiny - look under the tag tinyangl! My most recent fics, I don't think, are tagged yet, but for the most part, they should be. :D

laziness is the bane of my existance, school's a bitch, i = too lazy to cut, rambling is what i'm good at, yamapi is seriously gorgeous, my friends are completely awesome, my comedy is twisted, i am a fail student, meme whore at work, too many tags for no reason, am i really a math major?, perverted talk is the best, lame is my other middle name, school is a torture device, i'm pimping my own stuff, je has taken over my brain, je fandom is the best

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