Trope Bingo (also other news)

Jan 24, 2013 23:31

I signed up for
trope_bingo , which was a good idea, since I'm not in the middle of roughly 14 fics and also my 20 Established Relationships (Anya/Giles) challenge also RL and the Willow/Oz ficathon that I'm in the process of trying to create/run. Sarcasm aside, it looks fun and totally doable. Except for the part where people have already gotten bingo and posted it to the comm and I just got my card today, so I already feel behind the curve. My goal is to try and write a different pairing (and, if I'm really ambitious, a different fandom) for each of the 5 squares for my original bingo, instead of just writing 5 Oz/Willow ficlets. I'll see how that goes.

Observe my table:

game night
au: neighbors
kiss to save the day
accidental marriage

fake relationship
au: other
handcuffed / bound together
fuck or die
day at the beach

au: steampunk
au: historical


mind control
celebratory kiss
au: hooker / porn / stripper
truth or dare
au: circus

telepathy / mindmeld
au: were / vamp / supernatural
huddle for warmth

UPDATE: As of now, 4/5 of the fics for my single line have been posted. Be sure to check out:

au: historical- Girl on Fire (BtVS, Faith/Tara, PG-13) - Faith and Tara meet in New York in the late '60s and join the anti-war movement.

fusion- The Precise Art of Balancing Work and Play (BtVS/The Avengers (MCU), ensemble, PG-13) - Fusion AU with the cast of BtVS in the roles of the Avengers. Willow "Ironwoman" Stark and co. try and educate Buffy Rogers on late 20th and 21st century history.

celebratory kiss- A Modern Declaration of Love (The West Wing, CJ/Danny, PG-13) - Missing scene from the kidnapping arc, in which Danny waits with CJ for news about Zoey.

au: other- Holy, Holy, Holy (BtVS, Oz/vampire!Willow, R) - Wishverse AU. After Willow gets turned, Oz loses almost all faith, and then, when vampire Willow hunts him down, he loses the little he had left.

In regards to the previously mentioned other news, RL has been kicking my ass like a soccer ball for the past few weeks, so I've been kind of absent from fandom. I got sick for a week, and then my little sister landed herself in the hospital while my dad was out of town, which was terrifying and stressful. And then I got wrangled into babysitter duty for my baby brother, for three days, while my mom stalked my sister's  hospital room, and my dad was elsewhere. It was hellish, in every way. But my sister's out of the hospital and both of my parents have returned, so everything is all good and I'm now free from childcare duties. So, I'm back in fandom.

But, I've finished my Buffyverse Zompocalypse fic (the full version) and I'm just finishing the edits and my
winter_of_faith story is mostly coming along, which is a good thing, seeing as my posting date is the 26th. I've also signed up for a mini-bang at Heroine Big Bang for either Anya Jenkins or Tara Maclay, which I'm really excited about. I've got an idea for each of them that I'll write eventually, but I'm thinking that I'll go with Tara, because I love Tara and I never write about her. That's mostly because I don't ship Tara/Willow, but my idea for the mini-bang is pretty much Tara being awesome without Willow.

Also, hi to all of the new friends I just made in the past few days with the LJ is Alive! Meme and on my newish Dreamwidth account! I promise, I'm not usually this boring.

me in real life, challenge: trope bingo, fanfiction problems

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