In Regards to Beta'ing

Jan 14, 2013 22:41

I'm having Beta issues.

I have a Beta who I've been working with, who is lovely and constructive and gives very helpful feedback, but who is currently bogged down in RL. While I'm still working with my current Beta (who's actually not on LJ) on my long, chaptered story, "Collections of Unfixed Points," (which has an update due any day now, I swear!) I'm looking for a Beta to work with on all of the other fanfiction I'm writing, since I really don't want to bog down my current Beta. I've got a number of shorter pieces that need polishing and I don't feel comfortable publishing without a Beta, because proofreading is always better when you have a second set of eyes.

So, if anyone on my F-list feels comfortable Beta'ing and would be willing to extend their services, or if anyone knows any Beta's who would be willing to work with someone new, or even if anybody could point me in the direction of a listing of Beta's comfortable with the Buffyverse, I'd be ridiculously grateful if you could let me know. Moral of the story is, I would just really like to work with a Beta, especially one who won't shy away from constructive criticism.

For the record, here's a quick summary of the fics that I've finished and need to get Beta'd or I'm very, very close to finishing: three Willow/Oz fics (one is a Zombie AU), a just-Willow character study story, three Anya/Giles fics that are on the shorter side, an Andrew/Xander post-Chosen fic, my entry for Winter of Faith, and an Oz-centric crossover with Ruby from Once Upon a Time


beta, fanfiction problems

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