I have been smiling all week. And no, it's not because I'm back on drugs... It's been sunny, and some how that bloody sun has turned my frown upside-down. ... I did not just write that... Anyhoo, despite all the shit that has happend in the past few weeks I feel happy and hopeful for the first time since before the Ex became the Ex. I got a call from Mr. Dustin to come back to the landscaping place I was working for last summer, which is great. They were fun to work for. Now I just have to get Miss. Bergernerger-gerer to come back and perhaps Mr. Andrew and all will be good. Lol. Right.
The upsetting part about feeling happy though is that I am suddenly begining to be upset with all of the shit I didn't realise I was living with. It's almost like the sun has given me my sight back. I suppose we'll just have to see if I can flourish back into me now. Well, the new me, whose been hiding out somewhere inside of me for my entire life, but has declined to show herself until now. Bah.
Anyhoo, some art for all of you who care...
Character: Lead Singer of Wolfmother (does anyone know his name??)
Medium: Ink and Copic Markers
Wolfmother Funness Well, today has been declared Cleaning Day instead of Paper Day. I will probably regret this, but then I am the procrastinator extraordinaire. ~sigh~
Oh, I have also finally sold my soul to Facebook. Perhaps I can say that I actually have friends now...?