Long survey

Oct 20, 2004 20:08

::Random Stuff::

-- Name: Jamie
-- birthdate:5*5*85
-- Birthplace: Lansing, MI
-- Current: MI
-- Eye Color: Brown
-- Hair Color: Dirty blonde
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty
-- Zodiac Sign: Taurus
-- Innie or Outtie: Innie
-- Your heritage: German, Dutch, and something else...I can't remember
-- The shoes you wore today: Dr.Martins
-- Your fear: Losing who I love, death, spiders...getting in a car accident
-- What you want to achieve: Graduate college, get a good job, get married (Forever), have kids(grandkids for my mom)...
-----------------WHAT IS------------------
-- Your most overused phrase on aim: yeah, sure, pig
-- Your thoughts first waking up: what is today
-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Hair, eyes, smile, hight
-- Your best physical feature: Everyone says my smile...I like my hair
-- Your bedtime: haha...when I feel like it
-- Your greatest accomplishment:graduating high school, getting a job...and going to college
-- Your most missed memory: going out and havin lots and lots of fun...which I still do just not quite as much.
-----------------YOU PREFER------------------
-- Pepsi or coke: diet soda
-- McDonald's or Burger King: Neither
-- Single or group dates: Depends
-- Adidas or Nike: Adidas
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Depends on my mood
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Either
-- Bras or Panties: EEEKKK!!!! I really dont like that second word
-----------------DO YOU------------------
-- Smoke: No
-- Cuss: Yeah...I try not to but...yes I do
-- Take a shower everyday: Yes
-- Have a crush? Yeah...I already have him though...
-- Who are they: Nealyum
-- Do you think you've been in love?: I am now!!!
-- Want to go to college:I will be in college for 2 1/2 years starting in January
-- Like high school: NO!!!
-- Want to get married: YES!!! n.e.a.l.y.u.m
-- Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: yea
-- Get motion sickness: m...I dont think so
-- Think you're attractive: no, not at all
-- Get along with your parents: Yes, most of the time. Of course kids and their parents are going to bump heads once in a while
-- Like thunderstorms: NO
-- Play an instrument: No, but i love the drums
------------IN THE PAST MONTH HAVE YOU--------------
-- Drank alcohol: No
-- Smoke(d): No
-- Done a drug: No
-- Have sex: No
-- Gone to the mall: Yes, it would be hard not to since that's where I work
-- Eaten sushi: Notta
-- Been on stage: No i prefer not to...I was on stage at graduation...first and only time i want that to happen
-- Gone skating: what kind
-- Made homemade cookies: No, but that sounds fun
-- Gotten dumped: yes.... :(
-- Dyed your hair: Yea just once
-- Stolen anything: No
-----------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
-- Flown on a plane: Yes
-- Missed school because it was raining?: No but that would be kinda cool...if it wasnt bad
-- Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: Yeah
-- Cried during a Movie?: yes
-- Ever thought an animated character was hot: mm...maybe not sure
-- Had an imaginary friend: of course...his name is fred
-- Cut your hair: yup it was a disaster too
-- Had crush on a teacher?: i .... the 5th
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing?: maybe
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: notta
-- Been called a tease: maybe...
-- Gotten beaten up: no
-- Shoplifted: no
-----------------THE FUTURE------------------
-- Age you hope to be married: 23
- Numbers and Names of Children: 3 here are the names i have picked out three for girls three for boys
Boys: 1.Kenton Lewis 2.Ethan Gerald 3.Ezekiel James Girls: 1.Mackenzie Grace 2.Carter Fey 3.Riley Sue
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: Outside, blue and silver...for colors...not sure what else yet
-- How do you want to die?: not knowing
-- What do you want to be when you grow up?:Photographer, mother, wife,
-- What place would you most like to visit?: France or Japan
-----------------OPPOSITE SEX------------------
-- Best eye/hair color: Brown, blue....black or blonde
-- Short or long hair: either
-- Best height: taller then me...perferably as tall as my b/f
-- Best weight: I dont know
-- Best first date location: out to eat
-- Best first kiss location: i have no clue
-----------------NUMBER OF-----------------
-- Number of girl/boyfriends you've had: 10 or so
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: 0
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: 7 or so
-- Number of CDs that I own? upwards of 300
-- Number of piercings: 8...eeek
-- Number of tattoos: 2...eeekkk
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: 1 or 2 times
-- Number of scars on my body: dont know maybe 3 or so
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: i dont regret anything ive ever done, if i knew i was going to regret it i wouldnt have done it...
-- Shampoo: havent found one yet
-- Color: blue, or brown and orange
-- Day/Night: either
-- Summer/Winter: either they are both good
-- Lace or Satin: satin
-- Fave Food: Mexicnot sure
-- Fave Movies: cant think of one fave right now i like alot of movies
-- Fave sport: soccer
-- Fave sports stars: not sure
----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
-- Wearing: balck pants, boots, tank top and a dress shirt
-- Drinking: Nothin
-- Thinking about: neal
-- Listening to: tv..and family talkin
---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
-- Cried: yes
-- Worn jeans: yes
-- Met someone new online: no
-- Done laundry: no
-- Drove a car :yes
-- Talked on the phone: yes
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
-- Yourself: yea most of the time
-- Your friends: yes
-- Santa Claus: no... :(
-- Tooth Fairy: no
-- Destiny/Fate: yes
-- Angels: yes
-- Ghosts: yes
-- UFO's: no
-- God: YES!
--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
-- Do you ever wish you had another name?: No i like my name
-- Do you like anyone?: how do you mean...???
-- Which one of your friends acts the most like you? Probably wilson...although we are becomming very different...so I dont really think anyone acts the most like me...we are all different in a good way... :)
-- Are you close to any family member? my mommy, and my sister...
-- Who do you hang around the most? Neal, and my sister, and wilson
--Who do u love??: my family, neal, god...
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