Oct 01, 2008 15:59
It's been a while, so I figure I ought to update.
First off, still no babies. I got my clomid just in time this month; my period started on a Saturday after the doctor gave me a "call when it starts, I'll call your prescription in then" order. So he called it in Monday night, and I picked it up 5 minutes before the pharmacy closed last night, which was the first night I was supposed to take it. Closer than I like to cut things. On the up side, Sweetie's decided that we have to have about 4x as much sex as last month to be sure we get it right this time. DARN. ;)
Still no progress on cars; between Sweetie and I we're just a bundle of misery lately. Him because of headaches, me because of headaches and general emotional toll of infertility. On the up side, the massage membership we've purchased is really helping him out. He's already getting milder headaches, has better range of movement, and can sit up straighter. His mood is a lot better too. :) I'm sure massages are going to help me too, but I think it'll take a little longer.
In other Sweetie improvement news, he's finally found a doctor that he likes and who may be able to help fix him. He's already ordered bloodwork and an MRI for his headaches, which is more than anyone's done to date. He's ruled out sleep apnea as a cause, which is what the last doctor swore it had to be, and he's getting all the testing done early morning since his headaches are better with the less sleep he gets. He may end up getting corrective surgery on his sinuses as well, that may be a factor. I'm just so excited that Sweetie's finally found a doctor that is at least TRYING to fix him.
There's a bit more going on, some in my community and some in Sweetie's life that I don't want to post until we have a bit more info...but we're setting up to do some moving and shaking and changing, and that's always exciting. Here's hoping that it all falls into place right!