Coming Home

Oct 11, 2015 19:10

Title: Coming Home
Rating: PG
Pairing: Yoonjin
Length: 806w
A/N: I'm brainstorming of maybe making this into a little series. Yoonjin's adventures with Roo haha. This is what happens when I watch Boruto one day and Hotel Transylvania 2 the next; I am left with an overflowing cup of feels for parents fic. This is set in the same au as Roo (I should seriously crosspost it cough)

Roo was five year olds and growing. She can now run around and scream, like Yoongi needed anything less to look forward. He just dealt with old men in business suits and silver spoons up their asses for the past four hours.

He wants nothing more than to take a nice hot bath and cuddle with Seokjin till all the frustration was gone and a distant memory. Life, of course had other plans. He came home to a mess in the living room. Toys were scattered along the floor and crayola scribbles decorated their wall beside the TV.

"Roo!" He hears Seokjin scold from the room bathroom. A giggle and splash two seconds later. So much for his bath. He kicks the toys out of his way and stomps into their master bedroom.

"Yoongi?" Seokjin calls out. Instead of responding, Yoongi makes his way inside the bathroom. Roo is inside the bathtub with her two rubber duckies. There's puddles everywhere and he can't help but make a grumpy face at the mess. Roo quiets down at the look on his face.

"Tough day at work?" Seokjin asks gently. Yoongi sighs and slides down onto the wet floor.

"Remind me again why I thought it'd be a good idea to own a studio?"

"Cuz Papa likes music. And he wants us to be happy and safe. But is Papa happy?" Roo peers at him, water dripping off the tips of her hair into the bathtub. She is soso tiny but soso perceptive. Yoongi wonders when she went from babbling to asking him such heavy questions. He scoots closer despite the puddles until he's directly in front of her.

"Papa is very happy. He's just tired but he has two cute faces to greet him every time he comes home." Roo beams at him before lifting her hands up for a hug. She's soaking wet and Yoongi knows the water will ruin his clothes. However, that thought doesn't even cross his mind as he reaches out and hugs/holds her. He hears Seokjin laugh softly beside him as they get up.

"Dry her off, please? I'll go clean up real fast so we can get ready for bed." Seokjin hands him a towel then slips out the door. Yoongi takes care to dry Roo. Once her body is dry, he puts her into her favorite kitty onesies. He takes a smaller towel and sits her on his lap as he sits on the toilet seat. He finds himself humming under his breath as he slowly dries her hair. She sits still for him, too entertained with her rubber duckies.

"Is Roo happy?" he asks once he's done. He still has a lot to learn about parenting and he's sure his foul mood from earlier wasn't his best dad moment. Roo turns to look at him and snuggles closer.

"Roo is very happy. Oh, oh let me show you my drawing!" The next second she's grabbing onto his pointer finger and pulling him out the door. She doesn't stop until they're in front of the scribbles Yoongi noticed when he first came in. She points at the the biggest blob.

"This is Papa. And this is Daddy and Roo. Here's a kitty we can have one day when I can take care of it. We can have a kitty right? I call it Happy." Yoongi feels his chest tightening as warmth floods him. He looks down at Roo. Sometimes, in moments like these, it hits him that this is someone he and Seokjin brought into the world. They raised this angel together.

"How about sleeping with Papa and Daddy tonight?" Roo looks up at him, smile wide. She has Seokjin's smile.

"Yes, please! I promise not to kick this time!" Yoongi laughs as he lifts her up. She wraps her arms around his neck as she goes on about how her day was. Seokjin joins them a few minutes later and together they lay down. Roo is tucked between, her sentences fragmented. Won't be long now till she's fast asleep. Soon her eyes stay shut and her breathing evens out. Yoongi leans in to kiss her forehead at the same time as Seokjin. They bump noses and giggle quietly to not wake her up.

"Hey, I'm sorry your day was shitty. You looked like you needed the hot bath more than she did. It's just that Roo was covered in crayon and I know you don't like messes-"

"It's not your fault I work with assholes. And I was serious, about what I said before. Coming home to you two, mess or no mess ... It's worth everything." Yoongi leans over Roo and kisses Seokjin nose. He's smiling so wide his cheeks hurt. Seokjin wraps his arms around them both as they lay tangled up together as one happy family.

i live for cute things, ff:bts, parents/domestic moments esp, yoonjin

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