Cartoon Heroes

Sep 01, 2015 20:50

Title: Cartoon Heroes
Rating: PG
Pairing: bff!taochen
Setting & Trope: Kid Superheroes
Genre: fantasy, fluff
Warning/s: lame title, silly kids
Summary: Jongdae and Zitao are ready to follow in their parents footsteps and save the world. Or kids from the evil clutches of school, anyways.
A/N: Written for exoficpalette \o/ thank you to the lovely springmaid for hosting this and being so lenient and understanding of everyone <3

Zitao and Jongdae have seen their parents do it hundreds of times. Save the world, that is. And one day Zitao and Jongdae are going to follow in their footsteps and be plastered on people's walls as the greatest heroes of all time.

For now they have a fight against the evil that is school and early mornings to triumph over.

"But mommy, I don't want to go to schoooool," Zitao whined. He had stopped time long enough for five extra minutes of sleep that somehow turned into half an hour. His parents looked very unimpressed from the doorway of his room.

"You have until the count of five to get up and start getting dressed. Your powers are NOT play things."

"Yes, mommy," Zitao wibbles. At the sound of her counting, he shoots out of bed and and into his uniform as his clock unfreezes and starts ticking again. He was going to have to get better at sneaking in minutes of extra sleep if he wanted to avoid his mother's wrath. At least, Daddy had sympathetically patted his head as he ran into the bathroom. He climbed up the step stool, grabbed his Batman toothbrush, and brushed his teeth just like the dentist showed him.

"Taotao! Daedae is already here waiting for you!" Zitao stumbled over his feet and almost tripped down the stairs from rushing to the door. His best friend is here! His best friend is here!

"Now boys remember to be on your best behavior. I don't want to get a call from school today about any abuse of superpowers, got it?" Mommy looked threateningly at Zitao especially. He huffed but Jongdae grabbed his hand and agreed to no mischief before dragging him towards the bus stop.

"Alright here's the plan," Jongdae started as soon as they arrived at the bench.

"There's a plan?" Jongdae ignored him and continued.

"In between lunch time and recess everyone is moving and crowding the hallways."

"But Dae everyone is in lines-"

"We'll just have to do our best to stay hidden and get into the front office-"

"But there are teachers-"

"-and then we sneak into the principal's office where he's probably cooking up some evil plan-"

"There are adults there too, Dae-"

"-like making more homework or or taking the ice cream machine away like he did the vending machine." Zitao dramatically gasped at this.

"He wouldn't, would he?" Jongdae puts on his most serious face.

"He's the bad guy, remember Tao? There's nothing he wouldn't do to ruin a kid's life." Zitao stared wide eyed at Jongdae.

"We have to protect our friends like our Mommy and Daddy do!"

"Exactly, Taotao! So just follow the plan and we'll be heroes at the school like Mum and Dad." The bus arrived slowly after Zitao was debriefed on the plan repeatedly to ensure no mistakes. They couldn't let the principal and his plan for ruining children's lives all over the world pass!


The day went by smoothly. None of the teachers suspected anything. Jongdae and Zitao knew they were all minions for The Principal and were out to fulfill his every wish of destruction. However, Zitao had his doubts about this. Especially with a first grade teacher as nice and pretty as Mr. Myeon. He always had a lollipop saved just for Zitao when he was on his best behavior.

"He's just trying to trick you into trusting him and making you think he's on our side," Jongdae hissed at him in the back of the classroom during reading time.

"That's not true, Daedae! Mr. Myeon is really nice and actually likes me and I like him, so there!" Jongdae shakes his head sadly.

"See, they're already getting to you. Soon you'll be a teacher's pet and then it won't be long till you turn your back on humanity and join their side."

"I would never!" Zitao declared.

"Then let's stick to the plan! Nice teacher or not, deep down they're all working for the same evil principal." Zitao nodded, convinced.

Yet, Zitao still couldn't bring himself to misbehave that badly in Mr. Myeon's class. He could feel Jongdae's judging stare at the back of his head but his teacher's smile was worth it. The sticker Mr. Myeon placed on his hand was just a bonus. After lunch Jongdae poked his back as they filed towards the exit.

"Let's go now that Mr. Myeon isn't looking." Zitao nodded his head and, after taking a deep breath, stepped out of line and into Mr. Byun's. They hopped from line to line until they made it out of the cafeteria and into the hallway. Down the hallway and a left at the restrooms and they found themselves facing the front office. I can't believe this is working.

"Are you ready?" Jongdae whispered. Zitao turned around to stare at him. Jongdae looked nervous for the first time today. Zitao reached over to hold his hand.

"Let's save the world." Jongdae turned to face him and smile. Together they sneaked into the front office, laying low to avoid any of the secretaries from seeing them. Zitao felt his heart beating wildly in his chest.

They were two steps away from the principal's office.

One step...

Zitao feels for the edges of time ready to pull the string to stop it and senses Jongdae next to him gathering up the electricity from the building. Inhale, exhale. 1,2,3.

They burst inside ready to kick some evil principal butt only to find themselves floating in the air, the angry face of their principal staring them down.

"Well, well, well. Look at what we have here." Zitao and Jongdae gulped as Mr. Han's glare intensified. "Two little troublemakers ready to mayhem at my school. I'm sure your parents would love to hear about this."

"NO!" They both shouted as a surge of their powers slipped from their control. The lights in the office flickered and the air was unusually still. Zitao was sure he could see a vein throbbing on their principal's head. They were in for it now.

"Now you leave me no choice," he hissed. Instantly, Zitao and Jongdae started begging.

"Please, please don't! Not my mommy! Anyone but my mommy!"

"My daddy will kill me! I'll never see the sun again! Please don't tell them! I like the sun!"

Mr. Han raised raised an eyebrow at them as they continued their pleading until they both tired themselves into tears.

"Are we done?" He asked. Both boys nodded their heads, sniffing. He slowly lowered them to the ground before lowering himself onto his knees to be face to face with them. "Now I want you both to tell me the whole story. Just why exactly were you going into my office with your powers out in the open?"

"We thought-"

"We?!" Zitao interrupted.

"I thought you were thebadguytryingtoruinthekids'lives," Jongdae mumbled the last bit, head lowered.

"Mind repeating that last bit for me?" Jongdae took a deep breath, staring fearfully at Zitao. Zitao couldn't let his best friend go down like this.

"He had a theory that you were a bad guy trying to ruin our lives with lots of homework so we couldn't go out to play anymore. We were just trying to save the kid world." Zitao saw the ends of Mr. Han's lips twitch.

"So you thought I was some bad guy, huh?"

"Yeah..." they mumbled, toeing at the ground unable to look their principal in the face. Neither of them saw his wide smile he was sporting.

"Tell you what. I'll prove I'm a good guy and let you two go back to class with a warning. Anymore trouble and I really will give you guys all the homework in the world."

"All the homework?!" They gasped.

"All of it," Luhan threatened, fighting back a laugh. Both boys stared at him terrified before he dismissed them with a final warning. "That was a close one. They almost caught me," he whispered loud enough to hear past his office doors.

On the other side Zitao and Jongdae stopped in their tracks staring at each other thunderstruck at what they had just heard. Jongdae opened his mouth only for Zitao to quickly shove his hand on top of it.

"No! We are going back to class and I am gonna be good and get another sticker from Mr. Myeon. No more." Jongdae pouted but reached out to hold Zitao's hand as they walked back to class. Their superhero days will have to wait for another time.

taochen, ff:exo, kids and fluffs and abuse of powers

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