
May 06, 2015 18:04

Title: Unplanned
Rating: PG-13
Other pairings involved: slight Suho/Kwanghee
Length: 4089w
Summary: Sometimes life likes to drop in unannounced and leave a trail of surprises in its wake.
Warnings: mpreg

This hadn't been part of their plan. Baekhyun and Kyungsoo were supposed to spend the first three years of marriage saving money, spend the fourth year traveling the world, and ending their return with enough leftover to own their own cozy apartment instead of renting.
That was their plan. Not this, Kyungsoo thought as the white plastic on the counter mocked him.

Fasten your seat belts.You're in for one hell of a ride.

Kyungsoo gulped. They were five years into their marriage and already...

Maybe five more years down the road, Kyungsoo might have been ecstatic. Might have greeted Baekhyun with a big kiss and told him excitedly. Right now, he's just dreading the promise of morning sickness and having more than two loudmouths in the house. Goodbye peace and quiet.
Kyungsoo sighed. He placed the weightless plastic somewhere safe and resumed cleaning the kitchen. They would deal with the blows as they come. Just like they always did.

Baekhyun got home a little later. The meeting had dragged on and as much as Baekhyun loves the bar and its inhabitants he'd much rather be home with his bed and husband.

"Honey, I'm home~" Baekhyun singsonged. He wasn't expecting hugs or kisses (this is Kyungsoo they're speaking about) but the silence was new. Kyungsoo's shoes were at the entrance so it wasn't like he had gone out.

"Kyungsoo?" Baekhyun called out. Still nothing but silence greeted him. He checked the kitchen, the living room, the bathroom. Nothing. He slipped into the bedroom quietly just in case Kyungsoo was asleep. Everyone knows a grouchy Kyungsoo is most dangerous when woken up.
He spied a deformed lump near the top of the bed. Baekhyun walked around until he comes face to face with Kyungsoo's worried expression.

"You're late," was all Kyungsoo said, voice muffled from the blanket covering him.

"You know how Chanyeol is. He likes to talk everyone's ears off."

"Late." Kyungsoo's hand came out from under the blankets to flick Baekhyun's forehead. It wasn't as hard as Baekhyun's used to and it has him worried.

"Everything ok?"

"No, you selfish dimwit." Now the blows really start raining down. Ah there's my Soo, Baekhyun thinks as he tries his best to defend himself.

"Can't you - just - tell me - what's - wrong?" By the time Baekhyun choked out the end of the sentence, he has his back against the wall with Kyungsoo towering over him.

"Let's not use condoms, he says. It'll be fine, he says because his impatient ass couldn't wait to run to the convenience store across the fucking street to buy some more." Baekhyun's jaw dropped at the implications.

"Are you....?" If Kyungsoo's glare could kill Baekhyun would be long gone (good thing they've been married long enough for Baekhyun to think of himself immortal).

"I'm pregnant."

"So I'm going to be a big sister?" Joy asked as Baekhyun buckled her into her booster chair. They had come by Joonmyun's house to pick her up. She loved sleeping over at Uncle Myun's house.

"That's right. Your little sibling is growing inside Kyungsoo's belly." Joy's eyes widen in amazement, dashes of Kyungsoo shining through her expression. Baekhyun couldn't help but drop a kiss on her forehead, his love for their daughter overwhelming and burning in his body until he feels his heart will burst right out of his chest.

"Daddy, Daddy!" Joy yelled out for Kyungsoo as Baekhyun makes sure the seat belt is adjusted correctly before shutting the door and slipping into the passenger side.

"Yes, sweetie?"

"Can it be a girl? Make sure it's a girl! I don't want a little brother. Boys are gross."

"Well that's not very nice." Baekhyun pouted at his daughter making sure she saw his ridiculous expression. She giggled, both her hands coming up to hide that gorgeous smile.

"Daddy and Appa are my favorite! But the boys at my school are gross! One of them was even playing with his food," Joy said in hushed tones. Kyungsoo shook his head as if he couldn't believe the audacity of some of these boys.

"I can't decide if it's a boy or girl, but if it is a boy, we'll be sure to raise him to know better than to play with his food." Joy still doesn't look satisfied but she barreled on instead about her adventures with Uncle Myun and how he had bought her a My Little Pony coloring book and she had colored pages and pages just for Daddy and Appa.

"I can't wait to to put them all on the fridge!"

"If they all even fit," Kyungsoo whispered to Baekhyun making sure Joy doesn't hear. Baekhyun laughed because their fridge was already overflowing with Joy's arts and crafts "gifts" she seems to bring back from school everyday.


They had never planned. Never sat down and talked about if it's what they wanted, if they were ready. It just...happened. A week filled with too many rounds and not enough condoms. Baekhyun being Baekhyun and not wanting to stop and run down to the convenience store for more.

"Let's just live in the moment."

Kyungsoo had rolled his eyes and flipped them over. If Baekhyun was going to be a lazy ass he should at least punish that ass for it.

Two months down the road, and the same white plastic was sitting on top of their microwave as Baekhyun heated a burrito.

"To help keep track of the time. It says results in three minutes and it takes three minutes to heat up a burrito." Kyungsoo sighed but let Baekhyun do whatever he wanted. This wasn't part of the plan. Neither were the two pink lines once the three minutes were up.

"Let's just live in the moment," Kyungsoo mocked, already dreading what Baekhyun with hormones would bring. He winced at the thought of the swollen feet and back pains that were sure to come. He wasn't ready.

"We'll just deal with the blows as they come," Baekhyun said, all smiles and warmth and happy.

"Don't talk with your mouth full and finish that burrito before it gets cold."

"Yes, sir!" Baekhyun joked before shoving the rest of the burrito into his mouth. Kyungsoo wrinkled his nose in disgust.

They had only been married for six months and to already have a kid on the way...

Neither of them were ready but both of them were willing to try and make it work. Do the best they could for their child because they love each other until death do us part. They had barreled on, made a separate savings account for the baby, set up an appointment with an obstetrician, covered all the basics or, at least, tried to. They both snagged longer hours at work. They had walked down the baby aisle sometimes, when grocery shopping, just to peek at the prices and balk a little inside when mothers in the aisle complained about tearing through packages of diaper in less than two weeks. But Baekhyun would see the little toddler in his baby seat, all tiny and soft and vulnerable, and he couldn't help but rub his stomach knowing he has one growing inside him. A little tiny one that'll grow, grow, grow. Kyungsoo, sometimes, catches Baekyun in the act, follow his gaze and see the loud children running between the parent's feet and sigh.

"We'll deal with the blows as they come." But he loves Baekhyun and, yes, he would've preferred if they had sat down to talk about this, agreed to duties and expenses, but he loves Baekhyun and that's more than enough for now.


Baekhyun had tossed around the idea of buying a toddler leash when Joy was four and he lost her for the first time. He tossed the idea in the mental trash can not a minute later and instead searches for his daughter; toy section, snack section, then the frozen goods- there! In front of the ice cream. She had her worn out Totoro plushie in one hand while the other was coolly pointing out the flavor she wanted to some stranger.

"But where are your parents, sweetie?"

"My Appa is here," she said. stubbornly pointing at her Totoro. "Can you please hand me the mint chocolate chip ice cream? Daddy gets very upset when he doesn't have his ice cream and I don't want Appa to get in trouble." Baekhyun speed walked up to Joy trying his best to not appear like that one dad who lost his kid in the supermarket.

"I got everything on the list. What about you?"

"The ice cream, Appa, we can't forget the ice cream again!" Baekhyun broke out in cold sweat at the memory of what happened last time.

"You're right. We should probably take two gallons, just in case." The stranger has an expression that shows the judgement he's obviously trying to hold back from spouting. Joy turned around to look at him with a smile.

"Appa, he's not a stranger." Baekhyun paused and turned to look at them both, the stranger-not-a-stranger very confused. "Uncle Myun has picture together."

"Ah, does he now?" Baekhyun couldn't help the smirk from growing on his face. He knew what picture Joy was talking about now. It was an old friend of Joonmyun, one that lit up his face in a way that Baekhyun recognized as more than just friendship. But by the looks of it, neither knew about the other's feelings.

"Y-you guys know Myun?"

"Yes. He's Joy's favorite uncle." Baekhyun made sure to drawl out the last word, hands lifting up Joy now that their ice cream, and future lives were secured.

"Ah. Does he know you lose your-"

"I didn't lose her! We were tag teaming. She goes and gets the ice cream and I get everything else."

"Tag team, tag team!" Joy chorused. Baekhyun cooed at his adorable little girl. He couldn't stand the thought of putting her on a leash but he definitely swore to try harder to keep her close. Glue their hips together, something to stop her from wandering off. He kissed her nose to watch her squirm and rub at it before remembering where they were.
"It was nice to meet you...."


"Nice to meet you, Kwanghee. I'm sure we'll see each other again." Kwanghee waved them off, resuming whatever shopping he was doing earlier before Joy had interrupted.

As soon as Kwanghee was out of sight, Baekhyun put on his best stern Appa face. Joy, in retaliation, threw on her best pout and fluttered her eyelashes. Curse her cuteness! Baekhyun scowled.

"Do you know what would've happened if that hadn't been Kwanghee?? Or just some complete stranger??"

"But it wasn't."

"But it could have, Joy! It could have been someone NOT Kwanghee. Someone mean and hurtful," Baekhyun's voice died out. Joy looked scared at her father's outburst, tiny hands clutching onto Totoro tightly. Something bad could have happened. His little bundle of joy might be somewhere not in his arms. Forget Kyungsoo killing him, Baekhyun would fling himself off a cliff if anything ever happened to her.

He held her tighter at the thoughts, grateful it was Kwanghee and not someone else. He felt more than heard Joy sniffle and cry. Baekhyun sighed.

"Just, please. Please be more careful next time. I don't know what I would do if something were to happen to you."

"Ok, Appa." They went through check out quietly, Baekhyun not letting go of Joy until they reached the car. Even then, it was just to buckle Joy and Totoro in. The ride back home, though, was far from quiet. Baekhyun blasts The Wiggles music until Joy is wiggling and singing along in her booster seat. Now, all he had to worry about was telling Soo what had happened while keeping his head attached to his body...hopefully.

To say Kyungsoo was angry would be an understatement. Baekhyun thanked every deity in the universe that he was in better shape than Kyungsoo even with the pregnancy and avoided having his head wrung off. Sleeping on the couch was nothing compared to living to see another day.
But it was the middle of the night when Baekhyun woke up to find Kyungsoo stroking his hair. He doesn't know if it's the tender expression on Kyungsoo's face or the bags under his eyes from all the extra early mornings at work. Or maybe it was the nightmare that Baekhyun just woke up, shadows of missing Joy gone gone gone receding into the back of his head. The fear, however, left very there and very real. Maybe it was one of these things or maybe it was all of them, but Baekhyun curled up, clutching at Kyungsoo's thigh by his head as heavy sobs and broken gasps left his lips.

"I d-didn't mean to- I would n-never- Soo. God, I almost lost her, Soo."

"But you didn't." That was all Kyungsoo needed to say. It was forgiveness enough for Baekhyun to cry until he was worn out and his eyes practically swollen shut. "Come on. Let's go sleep on the bed. One of us has to be able to walk around tomorrow without feeling sore." Baekhyun trailed after him like a lost puppy, tail between his legs and ears tilted down.


Everything and nothing changed after Baekhyun's pregnancy. They would go out and shop for things they would never have thought to buy before: picking out baby formulas, bibs, bottles and nipples. They still argued over half the time (and ended all their arguments with hot make out sessions). Kyungsoo still packed them lunch every day before work and Baekhyun still gave Kyungsoo foot massages until his belly grew to be too big for his lap to hold Kyungsoo's feet.

They struggled with money preparing for the baby and the upcoming months when Baekhyun would be unable to work. Maternity leave for males was something still fought over but Kyungsoo made sure to fight tooth and nail for every month. Baekhyun worked too hard and, by god, they were having a baby and it was going to be raised by them and not by some nanny just because they weren't women.

That's why Kyungsoo was surprised when one morning, six weeks before the baby is due and two weeks before he was to be on official maternity leave, Baekhyun's water breaks. They both look at each other in shock.

"But the obstetrician said-"

"To always be prepared. Where's the bag? We need to get you to a hospital."

"Why can't the hospital come to us?" Baekhyun whined in an effort to fight back the panic. I'm not ready, I'm not ready. I still have a month. How? Except, Kyungsoo is pulling at his hand, his bag of essentials that they fixed together with the obstetrician ages ago in the other hand. He's fighting back the bile that wants to come out as Kyungsoo sped through the streets, the hospital suddenly feeling miles away. By the time they reach the emergency room, the contractions were letting Baekhyun know just how ready their baby was to come out into the world. He grit his teeth and held himself back from murdering everyone who so much as breathed in his direction. A nurse was coming towards them with a wheelchair for Baekhyun.
"I promise everything is going to be ok, Baek. Just breathe. We'll be fine, the baby will be ok." It sounded more like he was trying to convince himself than Baekhyun. He reached up and grabbed onto Kyungsoo's hand tightly.

They'll be ok. Their baby will be ok. She'll be ok and they'll be back home in no time.


Unfortunately, it wasn't the only time Joy slipped from their hands. The girl had a knack for adventure and the mall was just filled with promises of them. Away from the parents, apparently.

It was winter break for the kids so they had decided to take Joy with them and go Christmas shopping. By the third store, Joy was stomping and giving her parents the I-don't-want-to-be-here pout and glare combo. They both settle her down with promises of ice cream from the food court on the second floor just one more store sweetie we still have to buy Uncle Myun his gift, ok?

Joy was done with shopping, though. One minute they were perusing through the cashmere sweaters that Joonmyun oh so adored and when they looked up, Joy was gone. They practically turned the store inside out in search of her. The mall was huge, much larger in comparison to the supermarket. Their baby girl was somewhere inside and they don't even know where to begin. Kyungsoo was rubbing at his bulging stomach in agitation. Worry.

"There has to be a cop somewhere. We just need to alert one and they can help us look for her. She'll be ok, Soo. We'll find her." Baekhyun tried his best to soothe Kyungsoo. Stress was bad for him and the baby. He remembered the first time he had lost her. She had been in front of the ice cream. Ice cream.

"I think I might know where she is," Baekhyun led the way. Up the escalators past the McDonald's and a final left turn at the pizzeria. She wasn't alone. This time, however, it was a familiar face by her side. Joonmyun was holding her hand pointing at the ice cream on display.

"You sure they said you could have ice cream?" Baekhyun heard as he neared. He felt Kyungsoo hold his hand in a death grip. She was ok.

"Joy!" Kyungsoo exclaimed. She startled and turned guiltily to stare at her parents. Baekhyun didn't have to turn around to know that Kyungsoo has a dark expression on his face, worry now turning to anger. Joy half hid behind Joonmyun's legs knowing she did wrong but she couldn't help it. Shopping was just so boring. They had promised her ice cream but it would take them forever and she wanted it now.

"You are grounded, young lady," Kyungsoo seethed. Joy began to wail, crying about how mean her Daddy was being.

"Joy. We talked about this before. You can't just leave without telling us. Your Daddy was worried and he's carrying your sibling, he can't be running around everywhere to go look for you. And I was so worried I almost called the cops. What if something had happened to you, Joy? Me and Daddy could never forgive ourselves." Joy was sniffling now, gasping out apologies in between her tears.

" B-b-but I s-saw U-uuncle Myun a-a-and I thought it was okaaaaayyy."

"Princess, that's just fine. But you need to tell us. If we don't know and you just disappear," Baekhyun's voice cracked and Joy flung herself into her Appa's arms.
She then wrapped her arms as best she could around Kyungsoo's stomach and whispered apologies. Kyungsoo's anger instantly melted away. He motioned for Baekhyun to help him pick Joy up, unable to bend down and do it himself. Instead, it's Joonmyun who helps, easily lifting her into Kyungsoo's waiting arms. He then turned to Baekhyun easy smile on his face.

"So no ice cream?" Baekhyun burst into laughter.

"A little ice cream wouldn't hurt anybody, I think." Joonmyun and Baekhyun ended up paying for the ice cream as Kyungsoo and Joy stayed seated, calming each other down. Once they were all seated, Joy gently tugged at the hem of Kyungsoo's shirt.

"Daddy, daddy. Can I go say hi to Hee?"


"Yes, Hee. Uncle Myun's friend." Joonmyun shrugged, confused, but offered to walk with her to see who this friend is.

The friend turned out to be Kwanghee. He was out Christmas shopping as well and had stopped by the food court to take a rest. At Joy's insistence, Kwanghee joined them at the table. Baekhyun smirked at the sight of him and Joonmyun shyly talking. He still hadn't forgotten about last year's incident.

"So, Joonmyun, why have you never introduced this friend of yours?"

"Ah, um. Just- the chance never came up so I-"

"Well it looks like the perfect chance is showing itself now, don't you think?"

"Ah, yea. This is Kwanghee. We've been friends since university. Kwanghee, this is Baekhyun and Kyungsoo. And this little princess is Joy. Though, now that I think about it, how does she know you?"

"Picture, picture! You have a picture!" Joy chirped in.

"Oh, that's right! I have that picture in the living room. Of course, Joy would notice."
Joonmyun ruffled her hair making her giggle.

"What picture?" Baekhyun was ninety percent sure that Kwanghee was blushing and fought hard not to cackle in delight.

"The one we took day before graduation."

"Y-you kept it?"

"Of course I did." Joonmyun's voice had gone soft and tender but Kyungsoo and Baekhyun could still hear him clearly in the crowded mall.

"Oh, please. Just get a room and confess or something! It's obvious you two like each other so enough with the shy games." Joonmyun and Kwanghee's faces were bright red. Kind of like the strawberry ice cream Joy was munching innocently on. But redder. Kwanghee and Joonmyun shyly mumble their goodbyes, leaving with hunched shoulders but hands constantly touching.
"Appa, why are they leaving?"

"Oh to see if you're gonna get a second uncle or not." Joy's face lit up at the thought and launched into a story from her last visit to Joonmyun's house. They stayed there for a few more minutes, Baekhyun and Kwanghee, foregoing shopping for home and their soft soft beds.

"Come on, guys. Let's go home."


It was another week, after the baby's birth. before they could take her home. Being premature, they had to take extra tests and extra treatment. However, Joy's condition stabilized fairly quickly. There were no long lasting damages done to her body. She was as healthy as any other baby just slightly smaller.

In the week they had without Joy, Baekhyun rested and recovered from the C-section. He would've stayed in bed like the doctors recommended but every second he wasn't asleep, he was sitting on the other side of the glass watching his daughter as she lay connected to multiple tubes. I'm going to protect you. I'm going to keep you and your Daddy safe. He would chant this over and over again in his head until he was dragged away by a rumbling stomach or, in most cases, a worried husband. Everything's going to be ok. I'll keep you both safe, was Kyungsoo's mantra as he would drag a reluctant Baekhyun back to his room.
I promise.


There's four weeks left until the baby is due. The house has been baby proofed once more and Baekhyun has been pulling out all of Joy's old equipment to recycle for the new baby. Kyungsoo was currently laying down on the sofa mindlessly watching some drama. Baekhyun was seated next to him, giving him foot rubs. Joy was cuddling Kyungsoo's stomach, fingers ticklish as they search for places where the baby kicked.

"But Daddy, how are you guys gonna get her out?"

"We cut Daddy open, of course." Joy let out a shriek and clung tighter to Kyungsoo. He jabbed the heel of his foot onto Baekhyun's rib, leaving him breathless.

"Don't listen to him, Joy. The nice doctors at the hospital help get the baby out so we can all meet and play with them."

"No cutting open?"

"...no." Joy smiled gleefully before resuming telling her little sister (she refused to think it was a boy, ew) all about her day and all the little things she has waiting for when she comes out.

"...and I'll teach you how to draw straight lines. Everyone says it's hard but Daddy says I'm the best so I make sure you know, too. And sharing, too. Yeol doesn't ever share. That's why we'll make a club only for girls. Daddy and Appa are the only boys that can come but no one else." None of this was ever planned, not Joy, not the new baby not even being partially responsible for Joonmyun's new found love life. But as Joy slowly starts to fall asleep on his side, as Baekhyun tucks both of them under the fluffiest blanket he could find in their closet- even then Kyungsoo wouldn't trade any of it for the world. They'd just take the blows as they come, as a family.

cuz babies, more mpreg, ff:exo, baeksoo, goal in life: make exo have all the babi

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