The Same As...

Dec 31, 2014 12:24

Title: the same as...
Rating: PG-13
Length: 4183w
Summary: Zitao has always been one of the lucky ones. Alive but alone. But things never stay the same for long.

Zitao jumped from rooftop to rooftop, his thoughts scattered like the clouds in the sky. He was one of the few remaining of his kind. As far as appearances went, he looked as normal as anyone else just with feline eyes and a sharp gaze, lips curled up in a perpetual smirk. He was all lean muscles and tall structure.

But he wasn't human. He was a mutant. A mutant with the power to control time. A mutant that was always running, always hiding from the hunters. Hunters were people especially trained to hunt down mutants and kill them.

For the safety of the people.
To keep society pure from their twisted DNA.
Because they are anomalies that must be destroyed.

Zitao has heard it all before. Whispers floating around in the darkness of his empty house, loud and bitter in the recesses of his mind. How he had managed to survive for this long was a mystery to him. He didn't know whether to be grateful or not. He was always alone, anyways.

Zitao was a block away when he heard a strange piercing sound. Jumping down to hide in the shadows of an alley, Zitao searched for the source of the strange noise.

"Ah, it ain't no mutant. That there's just a punk." Zitao's ears perked up at the word mutant and he quickly shuffled over to the sound of voices. Around the corner from the entrance to the alley, he saw a group of men. All were tall and had the same emblem stitched across the back of their coats. Hunters. He watched as a lanky teenage boy darted from their ranks and disappeared down the end of the street opposite from where Zitao stood, hidden.

"That's strange. The detector's never failed us before. Don't know why it's acting up if the kid ain't mutant."

"Who knows it could be dysfunctional. Let's get it checked at HQ. We won't miss out much, night's already endin'."

Zitao felt his body stiffen. So that's how they found mutants! It also solved the mystery of the piercing whistle noise that had yet to stop. The group of hunters started moving towards what Zitao presumed to be 'HQ'. The smart thing to do right now would be to walk away. To turn back and hide in the alley until they were long gone before running back to the safety of the attic he called 'home'. The smart thing to do would be to erase this from his mind and continue surviving just like he's always done.

Yet, Zitao found himself trailing the hunters. He stayed in the shadows, of course, but he couldn't bring himself to turn away. They already thought their detector was broken so it's not like they'd be able to detect him. He was indistinguishable from the shadows and his footsteps were as soft as a kitten's. If all else failed, he still had his powers. He could just freeze time and run. He may be a bit young and naive, but he wasn't defenseless.

Zitao flexed his fingers. It was decided. He'd follow the hunters until they reached their HQ. Maybe then, Zitao could finally get to see what the place his enemies called home looks like.

? ? ? ?

Zitao doesn't know what he had been expecting, but a warehouse was probably the last thing on his list. There were no guards protecting the doors no watchmen guarding the windows. It was so so strange. Did they really think that low of us mutants?

He furrowed his eyebrows, and with a quick release of energy, stopped time for all the hunters. It was easier pausing time for people than it was pausing time over a large area. Zitao slipped out from the safety of the shadows and made his way towards the entrance.

It always felt strange passing by people whose time Zitao had stopped. The very air around them felt stiff and frozen and it left his fingertips with a tingling feeling every time he accidentally touched it.

Zitao tried his best to avoid the hunters as he made his way into the warehouse and into a hallway. There were no doors and the lights flickered on and off. It felt eerie. Definitely not something he would've associated with the "faces of justice". He had come this far though, so he cautiously continued forward wary of any hidden traps or charms. One could never be too sure.

The hallway twisted and turned and Zitao walked and walked and he was ready to blast his way through the walls and call it a night when he felt it. A slow soft pull of energy similar to his own. It was weak and faint but it was there.

Zitao's steps quickened. His heart was thundering in his chest. It had been a long while since he had last felt this kind of energy.

A friend. But why was he here of all places?

Desperate for answers, Zitao bolted until a metal studded door stood in his path. The energy was throbbing now, calling to him. He reached his hand out and flinched at the coldness of the metal. Zitao recognized the chill seeping into his bones. It was meant to usurp a mutant's energy.

Zitao looked around. He had to find a way inside he needed to see the person like him on the other side. He was so tired of being lonely, so tired. He noticed a ton of keys that hung on a nearby hunter's waist. Ignoring the strange sensation, Zitao snatched the keys and began flipping through them looking for one that fit the keyhole.

He tried one and then switched and tried and flipped and switched and on and on until he finally finally heard a click. He was sweating at this point. The strain of keeping his powers activated was starting to affect his body but he pushed all worries aside. What lay behind the door was infinitely more important to him. So using the belt he stole from the hunter, he pushed at the door until it began to creak open. The sight that greeted him took his breath away. He could only stand there as if under the same spell as the hunters.

The man inside was beautiful in a devastating way. His pale skin seemed aglow in the flimsy fluorescent lighting and he was so tiny and fragile. Zitao could feel the tendrils of his energy mingling with his. Zitao edged closer. He knew the man was alive but he seemed unconscious having not moved since he entered. He felt a jolt then that left him gasping for air. His power was waning. Without taking time to over think it, Zitao closed the remaining distance between him and the captive. He sighed in relief at the lack of bonds and quickly scooped him up. He needed to get out of there and fast.

As soon as he stepped out of the room, he could feel the man's energy pulsing, much stronger now that he was no longer restrained by the charms in the room. However, he continued showing no signs of consciousness, just a soft exhale to show he was alive.

Zitao ran as fast as he could with the extra weight. Unfortunately, he wasn't fast enough. He could feel his powers losing hold on the people, seconds and minutes slipping out of his hold and slowly ticking back into space. He kept stumbling, his mind hazy with exhaustion. Do I turn right or left here?

The seconds and hours were slipping and Zitao was panting, trying to hold it all still. Following his gut, he took right and continued up the hallway. The man's energy was nudging his own as if to encourage him.

You can do it.

There was a buzzing in Zitao's ears and he couldn't tell if the voice was a figment of his imagination brought on by exhaustion or...

Just a little bit further...

Zitao's breathes were coming in short sharp gasps. His vision was fuzzy around the edges but he could see it. The doors to safety.

Just a bit...

He was out. Out of the warehouse. Out in the open. Slipping into the nearest bed of shadows, Zitao hid slowly letting the hands of time resume for the hunters. The last thing he needed was to suffer from the whiplash of releasing them all at once. He leaned back against the rough bark of the tree, too beat to be bothered. He stared at the steady rise and fall of the man's chest before his mind finally pieced itself back together only to drift off. The last thing he heard as he slipped out of consciousness was the sound of warm warm laughter.

? ? ? ?

When Zitao next woke, the sun was well up high in the sky. Midday. He blinked down only to find the man from last night gone. His heart dropped out as he extracted himself from the trunk of the tree. He couldn't have gone far not with how weak he looked last night.

Unless his mutant skill is healing, Zitao thought bitterly. A rustle to the left and he felt it, the same warm energy wrapping around him and beckoning him to follow. He walked farther into the forest letting the energy guide him until the sound of running water reached his ears. He stopped when he reached the banks of the river. The man from last night sat there staring up at Zitao and, suddenly, he was struck by how tiny he was.

"Are you ok?" Zitao asked, voice raspy from lack of use. He hasn't had anyone to talk to in awhile. The man smiled up at him. His face was aglow despite the gaunt appearance. A gentle nudge from the energy and the voice from last night was back.

Thank you. Zitao felt his face heat up from the earnestness.

"It's nothing um..."

Joonmyun. Name Joonmyun. Hunters caught me...tried to do...things...experiments to- the mental voice seemed to choke.

"It's ok! You don't have explain." Joonmyun's smile widened and stood up on shaky legs. Zitao hesitantly put his arms around him to help.

Thank you. Zitao merely shook his head. Joonmyun waved his arm weakly toward the river.

The experiments...voice gone...heal in the...water...affinity for please. With firm hands, Zitao dragged them both into the water until it was at waist level.

At first nothing happened. The water was cold and Zitao could feel himself start to shiver. He could sense more strongly now the height difference as Joonmyun stayed unyielding to the cold. It made him feel overprotctive. Just then, the water around them began to shift. It swirled around them, strings of water jumping out to orbit around Joonmyun. His eyes were closed as the water in the air seemed to dissolve after touching a part of his body. Zitao waited - astonished to see someone else using their powers - until the process was done and Joonmyun opened his eyes again. He blinked blearily up at Zitao the smile never leaving.

"Thank you." It was whispered so softly Zitao almost didn't hear. It wasn't until they were both back on dry land (on the opposite side this time) that he remembered about the hunter headquarters. They had to move. The hunters have probably already raised the alarm in eve of Joonmyun's disappearance.

"We need to go." But where? Zitao felt a tug on his sleeve and turned to find Joonmyun's bright eyes staring up at him.

"Follow river. To the north."

"Ok." It's not like Zitao had anywhere else to go.

? ? ? ?

Together they followed the river upstream sticking to the foliage to avoid detection. They came across the occasional hunter, faces twisted in anger at having been one upped by the very things they destroy. It left Zitao feeling a sense of pride. He couldn't help the smug smile every time he saw one stomping around and making enough ruckus for them to slip away before the machine could detect them.

They stuck to the river except for the few hiccups along the way. But they always avoided fighting with the hunters. Just because they treat us like that doesn't mean we should act the same as them. Zitao felt fond of Joonmyun's gentle nature. Always tender, though far from graceful, he reminded him of water on a hot summer day caressing, cooling, calming.

"Nothing like my brother," Joonmyun would reply when Zitao told him all this. And it would always lead to Zitao interrogating poor Joonmyun. What's having a brother like? Does that mean you have a mom and dad, too? What's it like having a family? Are any of them mutants, too? Joonmyun would grimace at the word mutant.

"When I matter how many tests they ran or what they did, they could never find anything wrong with me. Sure a mutated gene but that's it. Everything else was the same, Zitao. We are the same." Zitao didn't understand but he nodded anyways.


Almost two weeks later and they reached the end - or was it the beginning? - of the river which was connected to a giant lake.

"Across the lake and up the mountains. That's where my brother lives." Zitao felt so many questions at the tip of his tongue but no words to express them. Tongue tied. It's how he felt throughout most of the journey. Not having someone to speak to hasn't made him the most eloquent guy out there.

"We'll be safe with him. Hunters never come to these parts."

"Then how'd you get caught?" Tao blurted out.

"I ran away," was all Joonmyun said before he started walking across the water. Zitao gaped after him. How was he supposed to keep up?! It took Joonmyun awhile to notice Zitao wasn't by his side. He looked back and laughed at Zitao's panicked expression, In all their time together, Zitao had never heard him laugh but, wow, he would love to. It was like the tinkering of bells so bright and Zitao kind of wanted to keep that smile on forever.

"It's safe to walk across!" Joonmyun called out. "I'm keeping it strong enough for the both of us so hurry and catch up!"

"Is that a challenge?"

"Maybe." There was a twinkle in Joonmyun's eyes and it spurred a race between the two men as they dashed across the lake, By the time the sun started setting, the shore was in sight.

"Good thing we got there early morning." Zitao grunted in agreement. Their muscles were burning and breathing uneven but Zitao had won (of course).

They reached dry land as the last ray of lights vanished over the horizon. Without the threat of hunters their minds felt much more at ease. They were laying down inches apart and Zitao's hands itched to reach over and drag Joonmyun closer. However, he didn't have to. Joonmyun rolled over until he was face to chest with Zitao and snuggled in until the last of the space between them disappeared.

"S'cold." So he gathered him in his arms and held him close as they drifted off.

? ? ? ?

Come morning the air carried a chill to it. Zitao clung harder to the little body of warmth tucked under his chin in hopes the cold would leave. However, the tiny body began to squirm. Zitao frowned.

"Zitao. Can't. Breathe." Zitao worriedly let go. Joonmyun looked up at him laughing.

"You're too cute. I'm glad you saved me." Zitao felt his face heating up again. Joonmyun patted his cheek with a fond expression before standing up.

"We should get going if we want to arrive as quickly as possible." Zitao nodded and got up as well. "It's going to get a lot colder."

"It's ok. We have each other." Joonmyun looked up at him with something like surprise in his eyes.

"You're right. We do," he whispered. He reached his hand out, intertwining their fingers and pulling him in the direction of the mountain. Zitao squeezed his hand. He liked how their hands looked together.


Joonmyun hadn't been lying when he said it would only get colder. Not even Joonmyun's warmth was enough for him to stop shivering. Zitao didn't think they would make it to the place where Joonmyun's brother lived in time. He shared this thought with Joonmyun one night as the two stayed huddled together. The wood was too damp for them to start a fire and the sun was long gone.

"We'll reach it. We just have to...have to have a little faith." Zitao wanted to. Having a companion, having Joonmyun, by his side was such a comfort. He wasn't ready to let something like that go. Joonmyun opened his mouth as if to say something when he was abruptly interrupted by the fire that sprung over the once damp wood. Zitao felt his jaw drop. Where did that come from?

A deep chuckle came from behind and both of them whirled around. A man taller than even Zitao was leaning against a tree grinning creepily at them. Little ball of flames were dancing in the air giving the stranger a maniac look. Zitao and Joonmyun instantly went defensive, Zitao unconsciously turning to protect Joonmyun in case the new person tried something.

"Hey hey now. I come in peace," the stranger joked. He raised his hands to show he had no weapon though, as a mutant, the gesture meant little. "You guys seemed a little cold. I wanted to help out a bit."

"What did you want in return?"

"Just a little companionship. It gets boring playing with hunters by myself."

"Hunters? But I thought there were no hunters in this part." The stranger shrugged.

"Well there are now." Zitao and Joonmyun exchanged glances. More people made it harder to hide but with the weather getting worse and no other source of warmth. Do we even have a choice?

"How do we know we can trust you?" Joonmyun asked. Chanyeol shrugged.

"Tell you guys what. I have a friend who lives nearby on the mountains. He's one of us and last I saw him he was working on a machine to help track down hunters. I can take you guys there and you can stock up on supplies. How's that sound?" Zitao sighed. The plan sounded too good to say no. Avoiding hunters would be so much easier this way and with the cold there were less critters and edible greenery to keep them going.

"Ok.I'm Zitao. This is Joonmyun."

"I'm Chanyeol." After introductions, they all settled down into an uneasy silence. One thing Zitao had to admit was that it was much warmer now with Chanyeol's fire roaring in the center.

? ? ? ?

The journey up the side of the mountain proved to be perilous and Zitao was glad they had Chanyeol by their side. White things began falling from the sky not long after they began their hike up. Joonmyun called it snow. It was beautiful at first until the snow started piling up. And with it came strong winds.

Every night, Joonmyun would use his power to create a shelter out of water for them. The cold would naturally freeze the shelter and they would all huddle up against Chanyeol's fire. Times like these left Zitao feeling useless. And it was on nights like these that Joonmyun would huddle close long after Chanyeol had fallen asleep. He would wait until Zitao wrapped his arms around him before he would tilt his head up and whisper, "You were the one who saved me. Thank you. Thank you." Zitao would crush him into his embrace so the thank you's were whispered into his skin and warmed him up from the inside.


"A storm is gonna hit soon." The dark grey clouds adorned the skies heavy with snow. They looked close enough to touch and Zitao was almost tempted to try before Joonmyun was tugging him forward.

"I don't think my shelters will be enough this time."

"We're almost there. If you look past that rock you can see my friend's house so just a bit further." Zitao only saw blobs of darkness but decided against saying anything. Chanyeol had yet to trick them or try hurting them so no reason to not trust him.

The wind seemed to howl louder as time passed. Yet, with it the blob became clearer until Zitao could make out a small cottage thrown randomly into the rocky terrain. Just a bit more. A little further...

The first snow fell with the fist knock on Jongdae's door. The sound of heavy locks was heard over the sound of the wind. Zitao hunched over Joonmyun in a lame attempt to protect him from the wind. He laughed softly and leaned back against Zitao's chest.

A loud thud and the door was slowly opened. The light inside cast the person in shadow but Joonmyun still gasped.


"Myun?" And instantly, Minseok broke out into a wide gummy smile throwing his arms around Joonmyun. "Come in, come in. My blizzard is about to come down."

"Your blizzard?" Joonmyun asked, Chanyeol and Zitao rushing inside after him.

"Yes mine. It's to chase the hunters away. They've been trying to invade my village after hearing the rumors."

"So word did reach them. I'm sorry." Zitao felt so confused and wanted to grab Joonmyun away from this stranger and demand an explanation. Almost as if Joonmyun had heard his thoughts, he turned towards them.

"This is the brother I was telling you about, Zitao. His name is Minseok. He controls ice and lives in a village farther up north. We were born there and people always treated us special because we had gifts." Minseok nodded.

"Up there we're not looked upon as mutants or monsters," Minseok hissed the words with disgust. "We're gifted people. If the people needed rain, Joonmyun would make it rain. If they needed snow or a blizzard was coming I would step in. And we were thanked for it."

"Wait," Zitao interrupted. "If that's true then why did you run away?" He asked looking at Joonmyun. He blushed and looked down at his feet.

"We got into an argument one day. Joonmyun wanted to go outside the village but I refused to let him go with hunters out on patrol. So he left," Misneok explained. Zitao pictured Joonmyun in the chair at the hunter headquarters. He saw how weak and frail Joonmyun had looked, still looks, and he clenched his fists in silent rage.

"But I'm ok. Zitao saved me," Joonmyun smiled softly at him. That was all it took for Zitao to feel a calm settle into his mind.

"Not to be rude or anything, but where is Jongdae? This was his home last time I checked." Chanyeol inquired.

"I am here," a new voice entered from the backdoor. Chanyeol turned around and greeeted his frined warmly. His glasses were askew and his hair stuck out in all directions but he smiled kindly and greeted all of them.

"Chanyeol you won't believe it! It actually worked! I was messing with the machine you brought me from the hunters and it worked! Minseok here was using it to snoot out all the hunters and send them far, far away from here." Chanyeol whooped and grabbed Jongdae into a bear hug leaving them both laughing.

"So what does this mean?" Joonmyun asked.

"It means we can finally be safe. There's few mutants around and the hunters vastly outnumber us. But I wanted to go out and find who we could and bring them here. A safe place for everyone." Minseok's eyes were bright with excitement. Zitao felt numb from the idea.

A safe place. A home. For all of them.

He looked up and caught Joonmyun's eyes. He was beaming and Zitao wanted nothing more than to scoop him up in his arms and kiss him.

"My plan still has a lot of holes to fill but when Jongdae detected you guys coming I just had to spill. Do you..Do you guys want to help?"

"Of course we would! Kick it to them hunters hard!" Jongdae laughed at his friend's exclamation. Zitao looked down at Joonmyun. He reached out and intertwined their hands. A small gentle squeeze before turning back to Minseok.

"Count us in." And they would walk up the mountain together after the blizzard had blown through. They would work out the holes and the flaws and together they would build. Build a world where they lived together and weren't treated cruelly for being a little different. And in the center of that world for Zitao would be Joonmyun. He'd have a home and friends but, most importantly, he would have Joonmyun. And for the first time, he would truly feel safe and happy.

ff:exo, sutao

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