Well, because I don't have enough writing to do right now, I have claimed at
10_snuggles . No prizes for guessing fandom or pairing, *vbg*.
My table is:
1.) Blankets
2.) Water Gun
3.) Snowfall
Cold Comfort 24/2
4.) Umbrella
5.) Festival
O Christmas Tree 26/12
6.) Beaches
Four Days Off: Two 14/12
7.) Star Gazing
Four Days Off: One 13/12
8.) Chocolate
A Cure for the Common Cold 16/2/09
9.) Late Nights
New Year's Eve 12/12
10.) Gift
Arachnocampa Luminosa 17/12
Following 3 are extra or swap-in for any of the above:
11.) Project
Four Days Off: Three 30/12
12.) Movie
Movie Night 26/3/09
13.) A First
Cutscene for Echoes So currently on the go I have 2 remaining for
10_hurt_comfort , 2 for
7_suns, 9 for
7rainbowprompts ... and 10 for
I'm off to Mum and Dad's tonight so I'll only be around sporadically until Monday. I *do* have a new fic nearly ready to post tho, and I'll try to get it up tonight before I go.
In other news, I got the Hauraki Gulf pics off my new phone/camera last night! Whoo! It was real hard, I had to plug in the cable and choose data transfer. Go me. So i'll likely post those during the weekend (safe topic for fiddling with at parents' place, hee).