How Fanfic Sounds

Oct 11, 2023 21:11

As I discussed in a post a year ago today, I usually use text-to-speech software to read fanfic ( Read more... )

fanfic, rec, personal, mfu, pros

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cim3745 October 15 2023, 07:53:00 UTC

Sorry, the deleted comment was me - wanted to edit it not to delete :(

Interesting subject - text to speech software.
On my way to work I listen to audio books and was thinking about podfics. They are not common in Pros ( I've got two on my device I just can't find them online - argh! but they are very short anyway.)

I've found some podfics in the Sherlock fandom, I haven't tried them yet.

Point is .....

After a lot of time spent listening to computers read, my mind does
supply a lot of the missing expression and sometimes even character
voices. If you think about it, when you read visually you are just
absorbing a stream of words without any color to them, and your mind
adds it. If you get used to absorbing a colorless stream of words
auditorily, you can learn to do the same thing. For me it's become
seamless enough that I sometimes feel as if I hear the computer talking
like a certain character or otherwise adding color to its reading that
it can't possibly be.

I was so happy to read this :-)

Yes, it needed some time but now, I can "hear" voices while I am reading - not always, depends on the writing.
I tried one of the Pros podfic and my mind struggled with the "wrong" voice, the second time I could enjoy the story and picture them, even if it still feels a bit strange. So there is a chance to get used to spoken fanfic. Your experiences confirm that.

I choose my audio books by subject and voice, both are equally important to me.

Good to know, there is useful text to speech software I might try sometime.


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