Million-Word Challenge: S is for Spiderweb, A is for All the Kasha They Could Eat

Jan 06, 2023 17:54

Well, I told byslantedlight that Island Innocents, one of her favorite Pros fics, might be the first story I read for this challenge. I'm still working on that one, but it occurred to me yesterday that Christmas was nearly over, and I hadn't read Cord Smithee's Spiderweb, an MFU story that is my favorite Christmas fic in any fandom. So I read it, followed by it's wonderful companion piece All the Kasha They Could Eat by Jest, and now those are the first fics to be added to my challenge board for the year.

Both of these fics are just so good. Their characterizations are what most stand out, but they are beautifully executed in all other respects as well. The way All the Kasha They could Eat, in particular, uses events from canon is excellent, and Spiderweb even has a non-boring sex scene (*g*). 12,194 and 7,006 words. Both NS/IK slash. Both particularly recommended.

Total Points: 19
A: 7 points
*All the Kasha They Could Eat by Jest (7 points; The Man from U.N.C.L.E.)
S: 12 points
*Spiderweb by Cord Smithee (12 points; The Man from U.N.C.L.E.)

* = Particularly recommended.

fanfic, rec, reading game, mfu, holiday

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