1. If God was kind, all of my meals would cook themselves. My kitchen would be like the self-sustaining Beauty and the Beast kitchen where all the pots and pans are merry and musically inclined. Where can I find a witch to enchant my cupboards? My meat keeps overcooking and I need a magical pair of tongs to rescue these dishes because my current pair of tongs transforms meat into leather every single time. It is a vile instrument made up of all the evil in the world. AND I HATE IT. Obviously.
After… basically a season and a half of watching Ryan play the role of the back-office guy with forgettable one-liners, this past episode brought some much needed closure for me. I liked that Michael admitted to himself, and to everyone, that Ryan is selfish and a pretty horrible "friend". I think that is something he has needed to come to terms with for a long time even though he probably didn't realize it until the moment he said it aloud. And I liked that after Michael was able to admit all of those negative things about Ryan, that he still put his faith in Ryan and gave Ryan an opening to do the right thing in the most gracious way possible.
I don't necessarily believe that Michael knew Ryan would do the right thing (the "THANK GOD" Michael uttered when Ryan finally sold the company makes me think he was actually really uncertain that Ryan would come through), but it makes me pretty happy that Michael was willing to take a chance on Ryan despite it all, because that's exactly the kind of loyalty and trust Michael would show a member of his office family, especially towards someone he has cared for as much as he has cared for Ryan. Michael doesn't give up on people. It's one of his few admirable qualities, and it was nice to see it handled well in his dealings with Ryan again.
As far as AMC series go, I prefer Breaking Bad. Like, a lot. I don't particularly like any of the characters in The Walking Dead and even though the story is about survival in a zombie apocalypse, somehow the episodes are boring. My boyfriend loves the series and likes how it is, supposedly, character driven with less emphasis on ZOMBIE CHASES and more emphasis on the characters learning how to cope when the world has been turned upside down, but. Uhh. I can't find it within myself to like the series when I think most of the characters are a.) idiots who deserve to die (who doesn't think to fortify their encampment when there are zombies pouring out of the city? Really? WHY AREN'T THEY ALL EATING INSIDE THE CAMPER AT LEAST?) or b.) major douchebags (UGH I would throw a couple of them to the zombies just so they wouldn't be ON MY TELEVISION anymore) or c.) a combination of (a) and (b). I like Frank Darabont, so I will continue with the show until the end of the season in hopes that some of the characters will be EATEN or will become less repulsive. I hope they will be eaten.
4. I have also been watching Outsourced. I like Manmeet, and Todd cannot act his way out of a box. It's a display box and he looks pretty in it, so if he remains incompetent forever that is FINE. Right.
5. Did I mention that I've also watched the entire Angel series? I liked it alright.
BUT WHAT IS THIS ABOUT WB PLANNING A WHEDONLESS BUFFY REBOOT? I am not sure how to cope with this development. "WOE" seems like a good place to start.