WELL. I was without internet for a few days. That was fun.
In other news, I finished watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer! I had never watched the entire series before. I think that is a great shame, as
firthgal will probably agree. I enjoyed the series and am surprised by how into it I got. I didn't hate any of the characters - I would go so far as to say that I liked most of them. GILES. <3 And Spike! And I think Anya is great. I like how she is BRISK and honest and I like whenever she talks about money.
Mostly what I want to say, though, is that I so, so loved the Trio. I can't even believe it. I started S6 thinking they were the worst and by the end of the season I just wanted to watch an entire show about them plotting bad things and being wonderfully nerdy together. I also want there to be masses of AU fic where Warren and Andrew escape on their jet-packs and fall in love. And I want there to be epic hurt/comfort and I want there to be LOADS of fic where Andrew talks with the Warren That Isn't and ends up reaching for his face a lot and panicking and babbling about how Warren can't leave because he is TOO LOVELY and that would be AWFUL. I WANT FANDOM TO LOOK LIKE THIS. If I close my eyes and wish very hard then I am sure I can magically make the majority of Buffy fandom look like this.
No, I can't. But STILL. Sigh. I love Warren/Andrew so much.
PRETEND HE IS WARREN OK even though Warren himself doesn't look convinced.
Oh my god my coloring is rusty.