OH AN ENTRY with art. I am proud.

Oct 18, 2010 12:20

Is 'fart' the abbreviation for fanart that is not so good? Because it should be.

Duckling!Chase. I wanted to practice drawing animals again and used this as an excuse? I don't know. I just don't.

Toothless, SORTA.

I drew this to fill a steampunk prompt on laytonmeme. I'm de-anoning to post this here, but since I figure no one on my f-list watches the meme anyway, whatever, right? :P

UHHH so yeah, ever since I have been unemployed, I've had time to reflect on my career path and what I may want that to be. I'm strongly considering something in art now. Mostly I am self-taught, though I have had a handful of basic classes at the community college. Up until recently, I never really practiced my art, either. The only times I would draw would be to draw fanart, but art is one of the few things that I've just... had a knack for, I guess. I think I have the potential to take my skills in a professional direction if I make the effort to develop them. I won't know until I try. at least.

movie: httyd, video game: professor layton, drawings, tv: house

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