
Feb 24, 2009 21:36

Apparently once you get a job you are entirely too exhausted to update your blog and be like, "Bitch, I'm entirely too exhausted to update my blog." It takes actual keystroking effort, so the typing part of this ENTIRE ENTRY makes my arms achy. You're all, "That's what voice posts are for, dumbass," but I never use voice posts and I'm pretty sure reading about my exhaustion is quite BAD enough without having to hear it in my inflection. So, yes. The downside to working for a small up-and-coming media facility is how there are never enough people. I end up doing three to four times as many jobs. It means I learn a lot but it also means I feel like death and am entirely too exhausted to update my blog. I don't hate my job; I am just not used to high levels of exertion.

Speaking of exertion, here are some recent fandom things that drain me physically but only because I am still typing. Oh, ACTIVITY.

24 was not worth the energy it took to watch it. It's not as bad as S6 but every hour feels like its never going to end, so it still must be Very Boring. I mostly want to Give Up on S7, OH GOD. Someone alert me when/if it picks up again.

Heroes was AWESOME if by AWESOME you mean, "I waited an entire week and there was no Hiro or Ando." AWESOME. But there was a lot of Noah. And Noah being date raped by MATT, and Mohinder being all, "OH MY GOD, MATT, YOU'RE TORTURING HIM," because I assume Mohinder just gets upset when he isn't on the receiving end. I kind of love Matt trying to take care of his ex-boyfriend's needs anyway by THROWING MOHINDER AROUND THE MOTEL ROOM for lying. And I love Mohinder thinking the skirmish was a bit crap, and how he gets carted off later for some quality punishment. Mostly I think Mohinder's heart must be brimming with joy.

Also, apparently Daphne is Not Really Dead. The wonder never ceases! OH I could honestly die, dudes.

House was not entirely uninteresting! I love Wilson, and am quite happy the writers have not forgotten his epic devotion to House. Jesus Christ. Also! Wilson taking House to a Nice Restaurant to show how much he cares. And House catching on and being all, "You're just lavishing me with drinks because you think I am OUT OF MY MIND on heroin. Now I will not have sex with you. >:(" And then Wilson gets rightfully upset when he sees House is basically on heroin anyway. I have to say the whole methadone thing is a bit rubbish. This is because I assume it is like a MUCH SHORTER version of the Tritter arc in which Drug Addiction Things Are Introduced and Concluded and then NOTHING CHANGES because House is House is miserable and he needs to stay at PPTH always or there is no show.

Dude. I reread my entry and it sounds like I am MENSTRUATING. I am not. I am Just Tired. And maybe I am not the happiest camper because of that, but I SWEAR TO GOD my tone is not because I am bleeding.

my job is for (distributing) porn, tv: 24, life, tv: house, tv: heroes

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